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Should teachers go on strike?

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To be fair, why not also put the politicians on performance related pay?


Why oh why oh why do some users try and move the goalposts!!!


The topic is about teachers and NOT about politicians nor any other profession be that they need to be on PRP.

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No: Teachers teach children. They work alongside other teachers.


Stop being so petty. If you have nothing to add to the debate, stay silent.


You sound like teacher material. :D


On the OP, no they shouldn't strike, if they don't like their terms and conditions they should find another job.

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She must have been spectacularly useless, only 20 have been sacked for incompetence in the last 40 years!
Well, I did say that she epitomised all that is wrong with the culture of entitlement of many teachers no doubt...maybe why we haven't had much to do with them in a long time: you can only support and commiserate, eventually just remain civil, for so long.


After a while, the fact that it's the tax taken from your hard-earned that pays for it all (long-term sick on full pay, suspensions on full pay, back to teach for a few weeks, rinse-repeat ad nauseam, full pension rights in meantime, etc.) ends up grating a tad too much (besides other issues). Awful comment? Bite me.


I expect most teachers fall somewhere between the extremes of 'her' and the superhero-grade headteacher I posted about. They're only humans, fallible just like you and I :)


Further disclosure: my sister in law is a teacher (classical letters/Latin/Greek) in the secondary in France. One of the highly-strung, super-motivated careerist ones, I expect she'll make Uni Lecturer (or Gvt type at the national education ministry, or the like) within a spectacularly short time.


/broad brush safely tucked away now :D

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Maybe if a few of them had been employed in the real world, they would realise that their hours, pay, pension, holidays etc. all exceed what most working people can only dream of.


Why do you only post between 9 and 5, mostly on week days?


Perhaps your job's downtime exceeds that of most workers:rolleyes:

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