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Should teachers go on strike?

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Ah diddums!!


They have 14 weeks holiday a year!!!!


Unlike the rest of the population.


They should also be means tested. If they are good teachers fine otherwise no, buckle up improve or resign


---------- Post added 07-09-2013 at 21:23 ----------


Why do you only post between 9 and 5, mostly on week days?


Perhaps your job's downtime exceeds that of most workers:rolleyes:


Maybe he works nights or weekends

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I'm hoping for a reply from fred on Monday.:D


I urge to to PM me to arrange a face-to-face meeting.


I am be curious to see if you would care the repeat your odious comment under those circumstances.


---------- Post added 09-09-2013 at 09:34 ----------


Originally Posted by SpikeMac

Why do you only post between 9 and 5, mostly on week days?


Perhaps your job's downtime exceeds that of most workers


Maybe he works nights or weekends


It is a benefit that comes with owning 51% + of both companies you work for.

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If they think teaching is so bad, how come they don't leave and get jobs with better pay, working conditions, pensions, holidays etc? Could it be because they know they'd have no chance in getting a better job in the real world?


Sadly that is exactly what a great majority that are trained up go and do. I doubt they get better holidays but this is reflected in the pay for science and engineering graduates who generally earn more than most teachers after 8 years into the job.


Waste of tax payers money training them really.....

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Interesting .At a guess 90% of posters on here don't have a clue what they’re talking about and neither do they know what's involved within the teaching profession.Still I suppose they have spout about something to brighten up thier day.

How many people that criticise Bankers, Politicians or just about any other profession know what is involved in those professions?

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As a newly qualified teacher I do disagree with PRP. I could see schools using it as an excuse not to give you a pay rise even if you deserve one and if you move schools they don't even have to keep you on the same pay spine as your previous employer, many schools employ NQTs because they are so much cheaper to employ than people that have been in the profession for years.


Also the problem with PRP and teachers is that sometimes even if you are a fantastic teacher, some children just don't want to learn for whatever reason no matter how hard you try and I think it's unfair if aspects such as that affect your pay when there's not really a lot you can do about it.

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