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Should teachers go on strike?

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Teachers still work during their holidays you know, it's not like they go and sit on a beach for 6 weeks straight.


Hey my ex is a teacher. Believe me the summer holidays were just that! (Holidays)


A bit of work at the latter end of the summer holidays,the rest was relaxation.


I believe everyone has the right to fight any changes to contracts etc: But we all have to prepare and accept things can change.


Oh! Anyone care to google how many teachers have been sacked over the last 10 years.For not being up to the job?

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im sorry but teachers never had it so easy, teaching assistants ect ect, when i was at school 30 years ago there was no such thing, so teachers moaning about performance pay, tough, thats just as it should be, get rid of the crap ones that destroy kids education and the rest of their lives



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


You have not got a clue. I began teaching 30 years ago and it is a far more difficult job now than it was back then.

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Originally Posted by dawny1970


im sorry but teachers never had it so easy, teaching assistants ect ect, when i was at school 30 years ago there was no such thing, so teachers moaning about performance pay, tough, thats just as it should be, get rid of the crap ones that destroy kids education and the rest of their lives



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


You have not got a clue. I began teaching 30 years ago and it is a far more difficult job now than it was back then.


how many teaching assistants did you have 30 years ago?, and how many now?, class sizes 30 years ago, and class sizes now?



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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how many teaching assistants did you have 30 years ago?, and how many now?, class sizes 30 years ago, and class sizes now?



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


Teaching assistants were not required 30 years ago as a significant number of the students which they are required to support used to go to special schools then which have since been closed. In other words the pupils who need more support than others were not even in the mainstream schools never mind the classrooms.

As for the teacher pupil ratio over the last 30 years I personally have not noticed a difference as throughout that period there have always been large groups and much smaller ones; when I was a student myself the more academic groups had 30 or more and the weaker ones tended to be fewer than 20.

Still on the subject of pupil numbers a small group now is much more difficult to teach than a large group was back then. 30 years ago in a lot of lessons the students received some instructions and were asked a few questions and then were expected to get on with there work with little or no further input from their teachers. Also almost every aspect of the job was easier - I will pick just 1 of many.

In mathematics marking a pupils book used to take seconds as a few ticks and crosses, the odd correction followed by a mark out of 10 and a simple comment such as good or well done was regarded as outstanding but now it would be unsatisfactory. Nowadays corrections need to be accompanied by examples and suggestions on how to improve and even if a students work is perfect extension work has to be provided along with ideas for further study. There was no pressure on teachers 30 years ago with respect to the pupils performance, in those days if a pupil failed to achieve their potential it was the pupils fault only - not any more. (Oh I do believe that poor teachers should be given further training and opportunity to improve and then be dismissed if this does not happen).

Apparently according to the people who make the judgements I am an outstanding teacher although I do not regard myself as such. However the standards required of teachers have come on so much that if the teachers of 30 years ago (myself included at the time) were judged by todays standards virtually all would be regarded as unsatisfactory.

You can make other judgements such as teachers have a lot of holidays without considering the extra hours that they put in but don't try to tell me that whilst I have been in the profession it has become easier because from experience I know that the opposite is true.

Just for your information I am only ascertaining the fact that teaching has become more difficult not my opinion on whether or not teachers should strike.

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