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Ebay price hike

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I bought this item 271073780604 from Ebay last week for £2.99 it is a coachline for my car and unfortunately I found that the 10 mtrs was not enough to finish the job so I went back onto Ebay to buy another one only to find that the price had gone up to £29.99 an increase of £27.00.

Obviously I thought the seller had made a mistake and messaged them only to be told that their original supplier had gone bust.

Who in there right minds would consider buying a roll of tape for £30 when they can be bought for less than a fiver at the local car spares. :loopy:

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Some sellers dont want to lose the (X amount sold) records of their listings, and so dont want that listing to end. To keep it on (maybe until they get a new supplier) they multiply the price by 10 to a ridiculous amount nobody will pay, to keep the listing up until they can restock.


I once noticed a seller selling headphones for £9.99, but in one colour variation, they were £99.99, so i messaged them, thinking they had made a mistake, and they explained that to me

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