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920,000 pensioners still in work-good, or morally wrong?


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Nah, he hates women and doesn't want a family, so his inheritance will go to nephews or nieces or something.


The fact that you think the alternative to work is nothing suggests that you lack any hobbies or interests outside work.


Good morning Cyclone.


How could I possibly hate women, my mum's one. And I love mother with all my heart. Women are great when it comes to specific and very defined roles. I'm a big fan of the women.


Now back on topic. It's very coincidental and interesting that just this morning I read the news that Simon Cowell has just stated exactly what I said in my first post, he said,


"A lot of people who retire, they hate their job so much, they just love the idea of not woking anymore. That horrifies me. I'm going to be still working in my 80's or 90's if I can."


Great minds think alike eh. I'm in good company.


As for hobbies and interests. My investments and businesses are my interests. I've got no idea what a hobby is and certainly wouldn't waste time on doing it. Isn't a hobby something you do that takes up time and doesn't produce an income? Seriously WTF! It's like the concept of holiday. What on earth do you want a holiday from. I love what I do, I'd get bored senseless just sitting by a pool all day getting a tan. ONLY the idle in body or mind can indulge in such mindless leisure activities for days on end without getting bored.


Here's a clue if you disagree with me and Mr Cowell. YOU"RE IN THE WRONG JOBS / WORK! Honestly. :rolleyes:


Now I better get on with my day, that's right, I work Saturday's and Sundays nearly every week because i want to. Work hard, play hard and you won't be a dullard.

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A lot of people don't have the luxury of enjoying their work. And most people work to live, not the other way around.

I quite enjoy what I do, but I've considered going down to a 4 day week, as I enjoy other things more (and I'm a long way from retirement age).


I'm not going to tell you how to live your life, but if all you enjoy is work and investment then to me your life sounds very empty. It is like a holiday, something enjoyable, enjoyment for the sake of it. I guess you just don't get it.

Holiday certainly doesn't mean sitting by the pool all day though, unless that's what you want. I prefer to spend my day sliding down a mountain, although I am having a summer break, which so far has included doing some scuba and exploring the ancient minoan ruins on Crete.


You've got the work hard bit down pat, however it doesn't sound like you understand play and you must be quite a dullard if you have no hobbies other than work, IMO.

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A lot of people don't have the luxury of enjoying their work. And most people work to live, not the other way around.

I quite enjoy what I do, but I've considered going down to a 4 day week, as I enjoy other things more (and I'm a long way from retirement age).


I'm not going to tell you how to live your life, but if all you enjoy is work and investment then to me your life sounds very empty. It is like a holiday, something enjoyable, enjoyment for the sake of it. I guess you just don't get it.

Holiday certainly doesn't mean sitting by the pool all day though, unless that's what you want. I prefer to spend my day sliding a mountain, although I am having a summer break, which so far has included doing some scuba and exploring the ancient minoan ruins on Crete.


You've got the work hard bit down pat, however it doesn't sound like you understand play and you must be quite a dullard if you have no hobbies other than work, IMO.



Being a man yourself, working till you die is "programmed" into your system (everyone knows that?) Other than that, anything you do goes counter to that, it's secondary. I've asked Arr Sez him to qualify that, but the question seems to have disappeared . Maybe the question was a little too complicated and the report post button seemed the only option.

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WOW. Looks like I've annoyed you, sorry about that, I was just trying to make the point that when its busy and you want to get on and two old lady's are in total la la land. It's damn annoying.


Well, sonny, I'm 62, not in la la land, use my pass to get to work in a call centre and it's irritating little oiks like you that think they are the only ones with the right to get on first that annoy me. The little old ladies probably worked, or their husband did, all their lives and brought up their children with more respect for their elders than you clearly have. If you are in such a rush then flaming set off earlier.:rant::rant: I have been working since I was 15 in 1966, never had to rush to work and never been late. :roll:

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Its apparently its about 10% that are still in work, so that's 920,000. I thought the OP's figure looked a little high.


Yes. I`m still waiting for the mods to rectify the error as requestecd. It`s only possible to edit the body of a message not the title (unless I`m not doing it right)

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