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Why must it be one or the other? (politics)

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The two main parties, Labour and Tory each trying to win overall every 4 or 5 years to implement their agenda on the country against the will of the voters of the losing party.


Can't we find a way for Labour supporters to do it their way and those who subscribe to the Conservatives go and live in their little world? It would be like two parallel universes and neither would miss the other really.

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we all share the same world, country???

a country with TWO governments?

2 sets of people living side by side adhering to only one set of rules?


come on mr troll, must do better


Why should (normally) one party be able to implement its agenda on the whole country when a significant portion of the population are utterly opposed to it. I know that's how democracy works but its daft to me that 51% of eligible voters can get their way over the other 49%.

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Why should (normally) one party be able to implement its agenda on the whole country when a significant portion of the population are utterly opposed to it. I know that's how democracy works but its daft to me that 51% of eligible voters can get their way over the other 49%.


Have you seen the news recently, Egypt, Syria, this is what happens when one group of people can't tolerate the decisions made by another group of people, they start killing each other, so whilst I don't like some of the decisions made by our elected government, I will tolerate them because the alternative is anarchy.

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Why should (normally) one party be able to implement its agenda on the whole country when a significant portion of the population are utterly opposed to it. I know that's how democracy works but its daft to me that 51% of eligible voters can get their way over the other 49%.


You don't even need 51%,or even 25% to win.


In 2005 Labour won with 35% of the vote, but because the turnout was so low that's only 22% of the electorate.


That was still enough to have a 66 seat majority.

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