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Helpless majority of one: when will the PREDICTABLE be obvious to all?

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]Civilian deaths' date=' injuries, suffering and displacement[/b'] off the back of an illegal war of aggression 'justified' by inconclusive evidence. Absolutely that could qualify is a war crime. No doubt about it.


Not that any of this has happened already of course? :D Hundreds of thousands of Syrians dead, two million Syrian refugees already scattered to Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey and hundreds more fleeing every day is just a piece of western news media propaganda naturally.


Wait until you see around 200,000 Syrian asylum seekers arrive on your doorstep sometime in the next two-three years because this war has ruined Syria and the temporary host countries will ask the UN to find them new placements in order to close down the refugee camps.


Then you can start yet another thread on the forum about the UK government letting in too many immigrants and taking away your jobs Waa! waa! waa!

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Surely the swiftest end to the civil war will be for one side to gain military victory over the other.


The US would be better airdropping millions of weapons into Syria, let them all fight until one side annihilates the other. If the US don't like the victor, they could then bomb them as well.


Two well armed sides is not a recipe for a conflict to end quickly.

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