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It seems that whatever the US does Russia and China don't like it.


Is there any reason why they should?


American usually acts in its own interests. Oddly enough, Russia and China do the same.



UK's ex-science chief predicts century of 'resource' wars


The Iraq war was just the first of this century's "resource wars", in which powerful countries use force to secure valuable commodities, according to the UK government's former chief scientific adviser. Sir David King predicts that with population growth, natural resources dwindling, and seas rising due to climate change, the squeeze on the planet will lead to more conflict.


"Future historians might look back on our particular recent past and see the Iraq war as the first of the conflicts of this kind - the first of the resource wars," he told an audience of 400 in London as he delivered the British Humanist Association's Darwin Day lecture.


Implicitly rejecting the US and British governments' claim they went to war to remove Saddam Hussein and search for weapons of mass destruction, he said the US had in reality been very concerned about energy security and supply, because of its reliance on foreign oil from unstable states. "Casting its eye around the world - there was Iraq," he said.


This strategy could also be used to find and keep supplies of other essentials, such as minerals, water and fertile land, he added. "Unless we get to grips with this problem globally, we potentially are going to lead ourselves into a situation where large, powerful nations will secure resources for their own people at the expense of others."


LINK [The Guardian, 13 February 2009]

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Is there any reason why they should?


American usually acts in its own interests. Oddly enough, Russia and China do the same.





LINK [The Guardian, 13 February 2009]




According to what I hear the demand for oil is gradually declining and will continue to do so because alternative sources of energy especially as it applies to petroleum are being rapidly developed. Oil will always be needed but not on any scale as it has the last 3 decades.


Anywhere you look it's all changing. More and more homes are going to solar heating and power because solar technology has advanced so much in the last ten years. IT's now no longer necessary to live in a climate where there is abundant sun to be able to employ solar energy


Electric cars will soon be able to be recharged very quickly and already have the range to equal that of conventionally powered vehicles


By 2030 or little further the middle east countries will be sitting on their oil and bidding for customers


The US has enough oil and other resources to last it long into the future.


Environmental concerns keep these resources from being fully used

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Course I'm sure. If and when a major war or even a nuclear exchange of some sort occurs it wont be a war instigated by Russia, America or any western country.


The Chinese are not stupid either. Syria to them is only a client for their military hardware. Other than that Syria is not worth a fiddlers fart to them cos the country has very limited oil supplies


It will be a war between the latter day nuclear countries. An attack by North Korea against Japan or South Korea. India against Pakistan over Kashmir or Israel vs Iran


But even if any of those countries were crazy enough to be the first to use nuclear weapons the repercussions against that country would be fearful


Well you seem to know far more than myself so ill bow to your better judgement.

I just hope you are right.

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Strangely enough I watched Threads last night as well. I should suspect that Sheffield wouldn't be much of a target anymore. I'm not too worried!


Id be less worried than before but still worried. With increasing yields they can be dropped further away and still devastate entire cities. The next few weeks has me worried like Iraq and Afghanistan never did.

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