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Why Do The Police Keep Arresting Tommy Robinson?

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I was so close to Tommo yesterday, I could have rubbed horse dung in his face. There was plenty to choose from. It may not have gone down too well with his 'posse' and the several hundred police that were in attendance, so I decided against it.


The whole event seemed so good natured. The edllers were in good spirits. They were even waving a couple of 'rainbow' flags, which is something I doubt the East London Mosque crew will be doing any decade soon. And the sun was shining. Pity it had to end in tears.

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I was so close to Tommo yesterday, I could have rubbed horse dung in his face. There was plenty to choose from. It may not have gone down too well with his 'posse' and the several hundred police that were in attendance, so I decided against it.


The whole event seemed so good natured. The edllers were in good spirits. They were even waving a couple of 'rainbow' flags, which is something I doubt the East London Mosque crew will be doing any decade soon. And the sun was shining. Pity it had to end in tears.


How bad did it turn out Karl? Did he have that fat person bodyguard with him? The one that wears the same outfit week in week out?


---------- Post added 08-09-2013 at 21:34 ----------


Stephen has form Rampant and he makes himself easily nickable.


But he leads a movement. He on the telly. He is famous. Paxman know's him. All the other lot never get arrested. I've never seen Tory boy Blunkett get felt by the rozzers :huh:

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Stephen has form Rampant and he makes himself easily nickable.


True... doesn't Tommy have previous for assaulting a Police officer?


Still, getting arrested allows the EDL to make a martyr out of Tommy and it gives them an excuse to play the victim card, complaining that the establishment have it in for them :roll:

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Because he's a violent, race hating thug who would benifit the nation by doing a bit of time at her majs pleasure, ideally bunked up with a big Muslim with violent homosexual tendencies.


And stop dragging my flag and the rest of the decent people's of England flag through the his crap.

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