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Why Do The Police Keep Arresting Tommy Robinson?

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Because he's a violent, race hating thug who would benifit the nation by doing a bit of time at her majs pleasure, ideally bunked up with a big Muslim with violent homosexual tendencies.


And stop dragging my flag and the rest of the decent people's of England flag through the his crap.


Why bring homosexuality into it, in such a negative way?


I understand that Yaxley attended his nephews Civil Partnership ceremony recently.

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"Why Do The Police Keep Arresting Tommy Robinson?"




Because he puts himself into a position where the police have no alternative?


---------- Post added 09-09-2013 at 08:19 ----------


Why bring homosexuality into it, in such a negative way?


It's an amusing advocating of rape I would think. As much as I detest the man,

rape is no answer, and certainly not amusing.

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Because Tommy Robinson, aka Mrs T, aka The Slim Shandy; likes being arrested. It makes him a figure of protest with his followers. A man standing up to "the muslim-loving elite" in their empty narrative, when in reality he could do what he does without being a dick, but then wouldn't get the same response.


There is a deeper point that these marches are redundant. They go, they shout, they drink beer - it's a day out. Worst (or best) case scenario is they have a little punch-up, maybe police, maybe some angry muslim lads running around looking for it too. What's changed at the end of it? Nowt. There's no moral weight changing public opinion. EDL marches are like Orange Order marches - troublesome and pointless.

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Because Tommy Robinson, aka Mrs T, aka The Slim Shandy; likes being arrested. It makes him a figure of protest with his followers. A man standing up to "the muslim-loving elite" in their empty narrative, when in reality he could do what he does without being a dick, but then wouldn't get the same response.


There is a deeper point that these marches are redundant. They go, they shout, they drink beer - it's a day out. Worst (or best) case scenario is they have a little punch-up, maybe police, maybe some angry muslim lads running around looking for it too. What's changed at the end of it? Nowt. There's no moral weight changing public opinion. EDL marches are like Orange Order marches - troublesome and pointless.


Although they do draw out the riff raff on the other side just to remind us all that it is there.

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Because he's a violent, race hating thug who would benifit the nation by doing a bit of time at her majs pleasure, ideally bunked up with a big Muslim with violent homosexual tendencies.


And stop dragging my flag and the rest of the decent people's of England flag through the his crap.


Flippin ell, that teld him!

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I think the anti EDL groups, the police, media and government have their strategy all wrong when dealing with the issue.


The police have made Yaxley a bit of a martyr by repeatedly arresting him. They are proving his point that there is no right to free speech, and there are some no go areas for white people.


The anti fascists groups are coming across as, well, fascist. They behave worse than the EDL at times. If they didn't turn up and stir the pot, the marches would be none events, and eventually fizzle out.


The media gives Yaxley a stage, he seems to do fairly well in TV debates etc.


The government should listen to the issues that they complain about and perhaps ask, none EDL types, if the issues the EDL raise are an issue. If they are they should look at resolving the problems.


Division is a cancer that grows if its not tackled. And the cancer is spreading, IMO.

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The police have made Yaxley a bit of a martyr by repeatedly arresting him. They are proving his point that there is no right to free speech, and there are some no go areas for white people.


Robinson has convictions for assault, football hooliganism, drug offences, breaching bail conditions and illegal immigration. He has also been arrested for obstructing the police and is currently charged with public order offences and fraud.


None of those convictions and charges have anything to do with free speech and no-go areas.

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Robinson has convictions for assault, football hooliganism, drug offences, breaching bail conditions and illegal immigration. He has also been arrested for obstructing the police and is currently charged with public order offences and fraud.


None of those convictions and charges have anything to do with free speech and no-go areas.



The last four are.

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