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Why Do The Police Keep Arresting Tommy Robinson?

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There is a deeper point that these marches are redundant. They go, they shout, they drink beer - it's a day out. Worst (or best) case scenario is they have a little punch-up, maybe police, maybe some angry muslim lads running around looking for it too. What's changed at the end of it? Nowt. There's no moral weight changing public opinion. EDL marches are like Orange Order marches - troublesome and pointless.


And they only happen when there is no football on.

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It amazes me that there is a lack of publicity about the fact that 300 anti EDL protesters were arrested.


I'm amazed that people didn't notice it. BBC and Guardian reports. (Those reports say 150 rather than 300 but the BBC red button news had 300 on the day so I assume that was an earlier estimate.)


There does seem to be a tendency for some people who think the mainstream media are biased against particular views to not notice when the mainstream media DO report the thing they are complaining about. This reporting blindness is not limited this subject - in fact it's most frequent seen in conspiracy theorists.

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I'm amazed that people didn't notice it. BBC and Guardian reports. (Those reports say 150 rather than 300 but the BBC red button news had 300 on the day so I assume that was an earlier estimate.)


There does seem to be a tendency for some people who think the mainstream media are biased against particular views to not notice when the mainstream media DO report the thing they are complaining about. This reporting blindness is not limited this subject - in fact it's most frequent seen in conspiracy theorists.


My point was that the vast number of arrests were not given massive coverage by the media as other occurrences have been in the past at protests/demonstrations whether they were EDL related or not.

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It amazes me that there is a lack of publicity about the fact that 300 anti EDL protesters were arrested.


as has already been said, it was mentioned by most of the major outlets

just because it wasn't big flashing letters and woopy doo sirens

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Robinson has convictions for assault, football hooliganism, drug offences, breaching bail conditions and illegal immigration. He has also been arrested for obstructing the police and is currently charged with public order offences and fraud.


None of those convictions and charges have anything to do with free speech and no-go areas.


Yes but none of that matters in relation to the issue he campaigns for. I'm not saying he is right at all. Just that if you want to defeat and get rid of the EDL you are mistaken with the current tactics. They all go in his favour. Hense his popularity. 80,000 followers on twitter alone...

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The last four are.


Illegal immigration, obstructing the police, public order offences and fraud are to do with free speech are they? Robinson left and re-entered the country on someone else's passport and that's to do with free speech, eh? Come on, then. Substantiate your claim and give us all a laugh.


---------- Post added 10-09-2013 at 11:35 ----------


Yes but none of that matters in relation to the issue he campaigns for.


You mentioned his arrests alongside free speech and no go areas. You tied all 3 together. I pointed out his arrests had nothing to do with free speech. Drug offences and fraud are not to do with free speech. You then say his arrests are nothing to do with what he campaigns for despite the fact that he has been arrested on demos and his imprisonment for illegal immigration was when he went to New York to speak on the issue he campaigns about. It's a good idea to understand the background to what you're posting about.

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Illegal immigration, obstructing the police, public order offences and fraud are to do with free speech are they? Robinson left and re-entered the country on someone else's passport and that's to do with free speech, eh? Come on, then. Substantiate your claim and give us all a laugh.


The point is, although he is obviously a dubious character, this is irrelevant to his followers. Therefore, to keep using it as a weapon against him, or anyone who follows him, is fruitless. That's what I was trying to say.


It matters not one jot.

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The point is, although he is obviously a dubious character, this is irrelevant to his followers. Therefore, to keep using it as a weapon against him, or anyone who follows him, is fruitless. That's what I was trying to say.


It matters not one jot.


Because his followers are thick bigots. You're saying people shouldn't argue against him because his supporters are brain-dead tosspots. Do you only stand alongside these people or do you occasionally ally yourself to those a bit further up the evolutionary chain?

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