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Harrassment by a teacher

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If you've gone through and exhausted all the proper channels - school, governors, LEA and so on, then maybe. But you'd need pretty compelling evidence.


If there's no evidence this has been done before by a parent, I'd say you're on a hiding to nothing.


Thanks. Ill pass it on. Im not sure the LEA can help though.

Its an academy. Would it be an LEA issue?

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Ten to one it is in the mind of the parent/child. Very, very few teachers would risk their careers to conduct a campaign of personal vindictiveness against one pupil. And parents are understandably protective when it comes to their kids - but it doesn't mean the teacher is victimising their little angel. 'S/he's picking on me' has been a playground wail for generations.I suspect it may have been more prevalent in the days when teachers were allowed to be mavericks, but it's all so rigidly professionalised these days that it's extremely unlikely.


First port of call is child's form tutor, then Year Head, then Head Teacher, then governors.

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