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Harrassment by a teacher

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Ten to one it is in the mind of the parent/child. Very, very few teachers would risk their careers to conduct a campaign of personal vindictiveness against one pupil. And parents are understandably protective when it comes to their kids - but it doesn't mean the teacher is victimising their little angel. 'S/he's picking on me' has been a playground wail for generations.I suspect it may have been more prevalent in the days when teachers were allowed to be mavericks, but it's all so rigidly professionalised these days that it's extremely unlikely.


First port of call is child's form tutor, then Year Head, then Head Teacher, then governors.


It wouldn't be the first time a child has told porkies to get a teacher into trouble.



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Have you had an intervention meeting with the school teacher and heads of school, we had to raise an issue with my daughters Primary school teacher 2 years ago, after the teacher told my daughter that she had not done her homework herself and that mum and dad must have done it for her as it was too good!!! in the previous 5 years our daughter had great grades and was loving school, but this particular year she seemed despondent/uninterested, she had lost her mojo, upon further investigation we found that the whole class was being consistently marked down for poor grades, at the intervention the teacher was very rude and belligerent, until I reminded her that all the kids in her class were suffering poor grades compared to previous years and in fact it was the schools suggestion that parents assist in the child's development by helping out with their homework, and at all the previous parents evenings we had in fact been praised for that very fact. She was also reminded that she was there to help and assist the kids and not ignore them when asking for help, as we found out first hand when we asked for her help during pre-registration work one morning, the whole table were stumped on a question, including 5 parents, so I approached the teacher to ask her assistance, but when I told her about our problem, she snapped back with the reply, well I suggest you all look again as the answer is staring at you, I told her again that the whole table was stumped by the question and that neither the pupils or the parents could solve it, to which she actually sneered at me and turned her back on me, I was enraged by her attitude, how I kept calm I will never know. Ultimately at the intervention meeting she gave a very feeble apology, after it was proven that she was incapable of carrying out her job proficiently, later that year she left the school, and from what I gather she is no longer teaching, I did get the impression from the heads of the school that all was not well with the particular teacher, but without proof or intervention nothing can ever be done about it. I am glad we took the route we did, as another year under that teacher could have had a devastating effect on our daughters future. Our daughter now really looks forward to going to school and she has her mojo back, this term she has stepped up to All Saints Catholic School, and has settled in fabulously, even when given homework she is enthusiastic and gets on with it without us having to chase her up, we do check her work for her, but in all honesty she has done us proud, and the work that she has done thus far has been excellent. Please make sure you exhaust all avenues IE intervention meeting etc before taking the matter up with the school board etc, as their may be more to it that you know.

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Than you Maxtor, hope all works out well for you, it's the comments from the likes of the above that makes me feel really sorry for them, lol, it's not as though they offered any constructive advice to the OP, but they bust a gut to pass judgment on anyone elses, :rolleyes:

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Than you Maxtor, hope all works out well for you, it's the comments from the likes of the above that makes me feel really sorry for them, lol, it's not as though they offered any constructive advice to the OP, but they bust a gut to pass judgment on anyone elses, :rolleyes:


To be fair, it's virtually impossible to read!

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