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Harrassment by a teacher

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What really is the problem here, I tried to help the OP, I explained the reason for the grammar etc, if it was a homework project or an essay, that was to be scrutinised for every minute mistake I might have taken more care in how it was presented, but ultimately my message got across to the OP how it was intended, so job done, Many thanks cheers

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What really is the problem here, I tried to help the OP, I explained the reason for the grammar etc, if it was a homework project or an essay, that was to be scrutinised for every minute mistake I might have taken more care in how it was presented, but ultimately my message got across to the OP how it was intended, so job done, Many thanks cheers


D'you know? I once tried to help folk on here by just re-organising and paragraphing a post like yours, and guess what?


They deleted it!


Can I have a go with yours?

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I don't have a problem with that cgksheff, in fact I would welcome it, if only to shut the mocking prats up, my point was that the OP understood my post, I explained my reasons for the layout etc, I just feel that some people nothing short of bullies.

I went to school in the 80's but myself and my wife both had some degree of learning issues, but we did our best to overcome them, we did not sit back and accept what we were dealt with, we strived to improve and learn, so that we become better so when a pedant comes along and mocks, it really grips me, yes he/she may be perfectly proficient in the Queens English written and spoken, but could they deal with some of the things that I have seen and dealt with during my time in the RAF Regiment, I doubt that very much, but do I blame them or mock them, NO, as they do not have, or have not been trained in that particular skill set.

Each individual has their own strengths but to belittle and mock someone for something so trivial, is appalling behaviour.

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I don't have a problem with that cgksheff, in fact I would welcome it, if only to shut the mocking prats up, my point was that the OP understood my post, I explained my reasons for the layout etc, I just feel that some people nothing short of bullies.

I went to school in the 80's but myself and my wife both had some degree of learning issues, but we did our best to overcome them, we did not sit back and accept what we were dealt with, we strived to improve and learn, so that we become better so when a pedant comes along and mocks, it really grips me, yes he/she may be perfectly proficient in the Queens English written and spoken, but could they deal with some of the things that I have seen and dealt with during my time in the RAF Regiment, I doubt that very much, but do I blame them or mock them, NO, as they do not have, or have not been trained in that particular skill set.

Each individual has their own strengths but to belittle and mock someone for something so trivial, is appalling behaviour.


For goodness' sake nobody was bullying or belittling you nobody was a 'mocking prat' except in your head, perhaps why is it 'pedantry' used by you as an insult to express the view that written language is more likely to be read and understood if it is presented helpfully rather than unhelpfully, it is not 'trivial', either It may in your mind be less important than the content of your message but if people cannot easily access that content then in this context an internet forum they are likely just to skip it and its meaning be lost to them especially people who struggle to read quickly or confidently, or whose first language is not English they will be excluded, effectively from benefitting from your experience and advice about school bullying don't you care?


Difficult to make sense of, I'm sure you'll agree. Here it is again presented more helpfully:


For goodness' sake.


Nobody was bullying or belittling you; nobody was a 'mocking prat' (except in your head, perhaps).


Why is it 'pedantry' (used by you as an insult) to express the view that written language is more likely to be read and understood if it is presented helpfully rather than unhelpfully?


It is not 'trivial', either. It may (in your mind) be less important than the content of your message, but if people cannot easily access that content, then in this context (an internet forum), they are likely just to skip it and its meaning be lost to them. Especially people who struggle to read quickly or confidently, or whose first language is not English - they will be excluded, effectively, from benefitting from your experience and advice about school bullying. Don't you care?

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Than you Maxtor, hope all works out well for you, it's the comments from the likes of the above that makes me feel really sorry for them, lol, it's not as though they offered any constructive advice to the OP, but they bust a gut to pass judgment on anyone elses, :rolleyes:


Your welcome.

As for the comments, you can just imagine them sat there behind their computer desks posting the crap that they do giggling like little girls when they get a bite or upset someone.

It would be funny if it weren't so sad.


---------- Post added 11-09-2013 at 09:38 ----------


Right, All the insulting and derogatory posts have been reported. some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Thats all ill say!

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