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What to do if you come across a recent motorway crash??

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Are admitting that without the lorry it wouldn't be safe?


It would be safe for me and the casualty, my car is at risk of being hit though, but its better that someone hits my car, than the car with a casualty inside or a person suffering from shock walking on the motorway.

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I'm a designated first/community responder - I live in a small village and I hold a defibrillator which will get there with me faster than an ambulance. I've also got one in the car in case any of the Scouts end up needing one. I've got plenty of dayglo jackets and flashers and a fairly comprehensive first aid kit. It's only because of that lot which may be of immediate use that I would (and have) stopped at an accident and then only if it's entirely on the hard shoulder.


If you find an accident the very best thing you can do it go on to the next orange phone, park up as far left as possible and call them. Park beyond the phone (so when you get out you can walk towards it, watching the oncoming traffic). They will know exactly where you are from the phone number on the emergency phone.


If you stop in a running lane, you have an exceedingly high chance of dying in the next 60 seconds. Simply don't do it. Ever.

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When I'm driving on a motorway I'm look a mile ahead not just 100 meters ahead.


There can't be many places on the UK motorway network under normal traffic conditions where you will spot someone a mile ahead having an accident. Besides, if it happens a mile down the road, you won't be one of the first people there. Your best bet then is to stick your hazards on and help slow the traffic, not come to a complete stop and have some other driver crash into your rear because they're paying more attention to the accident in front that what you're up to.


No other driver will expect you to stop in a running lane, therefore nobody will be expecting you to do so, and won't make allowances for you to do as such.



How would my well lit car increase the possibility of accident when there is already a car in the road.


Because now there are two cars sitting in the middle of the road, not one. What happens to you carriageway wandering casualty when some other driver, comes barrelying down on them because they're still trying to work out why there was a normal car sat in lane 3 with nobody in it?


How exactly do you intend your car to be "well lit" that the accident car is not?

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Are you trained to render assistance? Or would you be like the hysterical woman who stood over me screaming "Don't touch him, don't touch him" while I was trying to check that a cyclist lying in the road was still breathing?


She was so hysterical that even when she phoned 999 I had to take the phone off her because she couldn't/wouldn't answer the operator's questions, she was just shouting "I think he's dead, get here quickly" (he wasn't dead, but if he was it wouldn't need a quick response would it). She was no help what so ever and would have done me and the poor sod who was lying in the road a huge favour if she's just cleared off.


Yes, I've rendered assistance at crash scenes on many occasions.

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My guess is the majority of you are the rubber neckers and not people that are willing to help someone in need.


Hmm I take issue with that. See my previous post.


Twice I have rendered assistance to people who have been injured in road accidents and once to someone who had been robbed and beaten up. But each time I've done it in a safe and controlled manner which didn't involve stopping my car in lane 3 of a motorway.


There have been other occasions when my judgement was that it was too dangerous to stop and the best thing I could do to help was to pull in safely and call for the emergency services. On UK motorways the police or highways agency are not usually far away and their vehicles and staff are better equipped to deal with the situation safely than I am.

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My guess is the majority of you are the rubber neckers and not people that are willing to help someone in need.


It seems to me the majority of people here are doing what would assist the injured party the quickest at the lowest risk to themselves and others.


You keep saying you'll leave your car empty 100m behind in order to protect the casualty and yourself, but what about the person who crashes into your car?


It's simple - DO NOT STOP ON A RUNNING LANE OF A MOTORWAY. EVER. It's far more likely you will become an extra casualty before you can get to the originial crash than it is you can offer any real help to those already injured.

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Yes, I've rendered assistance at crash scenes on many occasions.



Interesting that you said the following on another thread then...



No we don't, it’s a personal choice and I prefer to help family, friends and animals, I'm not interested in helping humans that I don't know.
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