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Only in America

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As you mentioned it, public safety.


Being able to see what you are shooting at should be one of the key factors when you decide who should or shouldn't own a gun.


---------- Post added 09-09-2013 at 18:50 ----------



Would you allow a blind taxi driver to drive your wife?


The thing is, a blind person can own a car.


I can't see how under American law someone could be prevented from owning a gun or being permitted to carry a gun simply because they are blind. If you're going to site public safety, that could apply to anyone, not just the blind. It's as safe for the public for a blind person to carry a gun as it is a fully sighted person.


---------- Post added 10-09-2013 at 11:39 ----------


It's nobody's business trying to tell us what to do, so why keep on opening these ' Only in America ' threads.


Because nobody's telling you what to do. Why do you keep saying this?

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I did find it quietly amusing when I was discussing the subject of the right to bear arms with an American friend who was adament that every USA citizen should own a gun, I simply asked him if he would feel differently if one of his family or friends was accidentally shot, he said dont be stupid nobody is accidentally shot, he soon shut up when I looked it up and found a link that stated in 2011 620 people in the USA were, and on average there is one child death every month.


I really do not understand this obsession the US has with guns.

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I did find it quietly amusing when I was discussing the subject of the right to bear arms with an American friend who was adament that every USA citizen should own a gun, I simply asked him if he would feel differently if one of his family or friends was accidentally shot, he said dont be stupid nobody is accidentally shot, he soon shut up when I looked it up and found a link that stated in 2011 620 people in the USA were, and on average there is one child death every month.


I really do not understand this obsession the US has with guns.


Whenever these statistics appear it's never mentioned that most of the shootings take place in bad neighbourhoods in cities like Chicagi which these days is more of a killing ground as it was in Capone's day. The people doing the shooting are gang bangers and drug dealers.


This has nothing tio do with people who own guns and live in law abiding urban areas.


If the powers that be want to stop the killings and reduce gun crimes they know where to go and take care of the problem using whatever measures are needed and it would also help if the sappy headed judges would start handing out sentences in line with those in the books and do away with the stupid 'plea bargaining' that the courts and lawyers love so much

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Whenever these statistics appear it's never mentioned that most of the shootings take place in bad neighbourhoods in cities like Chicagi which these days is more of a killing ground as it was in Capone's day. The people doing the shooting are gang bangers and drug dealers.


This has nothing tio do with people who own guns and live in law abiding urban areas.


If the powers that be want to stop the killings and reduce gun crimes they know where to go and take care of the problem using whatever measures are needed and it would also help if the sappy headed judges would start handing out sentences in line with those in the books and do away with the stupid 'plea bargaining' that the courts and lawyers love so much


I was born and partly raised in a US ghetto, probably one the biggest ghetto's in the world. And if guns wasn't so readily available then my father would not have died so young and may possibly still be alive today.


The right to bear arms only increases gun usage and inevitable deaths. Guns are lethal and the fewer people have them the better.

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I was born and partly raised in a US ghetto, probably one the biggest ghetto's in the world. And if guns wasn't so readily available then my father would not have died so young and may possibly still be alive today.


The right to bear arms only increases gun usage and inevitable deaths. Guns are lethal and the fewer people have them the better.


I'm real sorry to hear about your father and too many young men die like he did.


The problem is that Chicago and Detroit's problems with guns is not the problem of Montana, Idaho, N and S. Dakota, and many other places for example where guns are not used to kill others but used for sport and hunting and for home defence if necesssary


I dont know what the solution is. Maybe a Wyatt Earp Dodge City law that outlaws all guns in certain inner city areas where drug dealing and gang wars predominate, special check points in and out of these areas where all vehicles are subject to stop and search.

But then again would that work? Probably not as it would be challenged by a thousand lawyers as a violation of the first amendment and would also be very hard to implement


Washington DC has the strictest gun control regulations in the country. Guns are forbidden to be carried anywhere in that city yet that city has one of the highest crime rates in the country.


We have to impose the severest sentences allowed under the law on anyone using a gun in furtherance of a crime.

20 years with no parole for a first offence would be a good start. These kind of deterrents can and do work.


California's three strikes law was a success. Many of the crminals and gangs left the state very quickly after that law took effect


Go in peace

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I was born and partly raised in a US ghetto, probably one the biggest ghetto's in the world. And if guns wasn't so readily available then my father would not have died so young and may possibly still be alive today.


The right to bear arms only increases gun usage and inevitable deaths. Guns are lethal and the fewer people have them the better.


If you don't mind, can I inquire about the circumstances of your father's death? You don't need to answer if you don't want.

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I'm real sorry to hear about your father and too many young men die like he did.


The problem is that Chicago and Detroit's problems with guns is not the problem of Montana, Idaho, N and S. Dakota, and many other places for example where guns are not used to kill others but used for sport and hunting and for home defence if necesssary


I dont know what the solution is. Maybe a Wyatt Earp Dodge City law that outlaws all guns in certain inner city areas where drug dealing and gang wars predominate, special check points in and out of these areas where all vehicles are subject to stop and search.

But then again would that work? Probably not as it would be challenged by a thousand lawyers as a violation of the first amendment and would also be very hard to implement


Washington DC has the strictest gun control regulations in the country. Guns are forbidden to be carried anywhere in that city yet that city has one of the highest crime rates in the country.


We have to impose the severest sentences allowed under the law on anyone using a gun in furtherance of a crime.

20 years with no parole for a first offence would be a good start. These kind of deterrents can and do work.


California's three strikes law was a success. Many of the crminals and gangs left the state very quickly after that law took effect


Go in peace


I was in Idaho a few weeks ago. In the 3 days I was there, there were 5 shooting incidents on the news, 4 of those were local

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