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Slovakian Roma. What's the scam?


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Last week in the afternoon an alarm on an empty house that is up for sale on my street started ringing. I had a look through my window to see if everything was okay and I saw an estate agent (I recognise him as he's been back and forth to the house before showing people around) with what looked like a Pakistani couple. The man was wearing a suit and the woman was wearing a saree and head scarf. It looked liked they'd tried to enter the house but forgot it was alarmed. The estate agent was on his mobile presumably getting the alarm code. He then went back into the house to turn off the alarm. After doing that he gave the couple the keys and then drove away and they went inside the house and I didn't think much more about it.


But then the next day I saw about 15 plus Roma going back and forth to this house with mattresses and various bits of furniture and I would say at least two Roma families have now moved in but at no point have I seen anyone wearing anything other than the usual track suits and leggings etc. I decided to phone the estate agent as the for sale sign was still up just to check if it had been sold - it had. So I presume the people who were given the keys are the same people that have moved in. So my questions is: Why are Roma gypsies pretending to be Pakistanis to buy property? Surely the estate agents/house owners aren't bothered who buys their property as long as they have the money to pay for it?

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The parallels are uncanny


Mullets (usually curly)

Face hair

Face hair on the men too

A dislike for law and order

A practically undecipherable dialect

A sofa at the front of the house


What more proof do you need?

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How can you tell if someone is a Roma gypsy? (OPs words not mine)


Well I live about 10 mins walk from Page Hall and the people who have moved in look very similar to the Slovakian Roma who live in that area. They also speak with Eastern European accents. But It is a tad presumptuous of me and I could be wrong.


Thanks to everyone else for your input. It's appreciated!

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