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Boycotting Businesses; do you?


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I boycott Tesco's (except when there's something on offer that is cheaper than elsewhere).


Same goes for Boots.


That way, I get to screw over those companies and the manufacturers :cool:


---------- Post added 09-09-2013 at 16:36 ----------


We avoid ASDA because its owned by WalMart. ASDA may treat their employees fairly here, but WalMart pays their US staff barely enough to get off benefits and refuses to let them organise unions.




I shop at ASDA precisely because they aren't Tesco.


And they're a damn sight cheaper too.

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Would you knowingly spend your money in a supermarket chain where the CEO is paid over a thousand times more than the lowest paid workers?


Or on a drink made by a multi-national company linked to child labour issues and the killing of trade unionists in South America?


Or in a fast food chain accused of dropping live birds in to boiling water after breaking their wings?


Who is on your list?


Link to Ethical Consumer.


No i wouldnt not at all, its the order of things it wont change no matter how much you bleat about it, big business runs the world economies! the ceo,s are paid by a company made up of a board and shareholders, its up to them not to like or like or be indifferent not you!


child labour is a fact of life get over it, it is a part of different cultures dont interfere and its not half as bad as the protesters make out, i have goods made in pakistan and some of the workers are around 12-13 thats their culture and their living, dont take it away from them, their conditions i have seen first hand and its pretty good!


fast food and live birds, beaks and boiling water .....oh that old chestnut..that would be the propaganda films on you tube from 20 years ago ?? i know a chicken producer who supplies some products to KFC and this is a total lie and more propaganda:suspect:


whos on my list??? anyone who tells others how to live their life and what they shouldnt or should do:roll::roll:

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How does boycotting Asda help the employees of WalMart?


Its less money in the Walton familys pocket. (who are some of the richest people in the world)


If they ever considered letting their staff unionise and get better benefits, I may shop them (I also dont shop either brand as the quality of most of their goods is poor) ASDA treat their staff well, but because who own them, its a no go for me.


Walmart fire people on the spot and theres no job seekers in the US (Unemployement is only given if you were wrongfully fired or if your job was "downsized" and they will make sure that the state knows you were rightfully fired)


Even if youre full time, youre still not full time. My mothers husband worked for them and was told at hire he would be scheduled for 40 hrs a week plus at least one day of overtime. When he started if there was only work for two hours, he was only paid for two hours and sent home for the day. The next day could be 7 hours and then the day after that would be three. He also worked in Florida, in a warehouse and there was no air conditioning in the building. He only took the job as he needed to take work on. His ideal job came up and quit, hes been there ever since. He used to think the hippies were crazies and lying about WalMarts working practices until he actually worked for them.

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No i wouldnt not at all, its the order of things it wont change no matter how much you bleat about it, big business runs the world economies! the ceo,s are paid by a company made up of a board and shareholders, its up to them not to like or like or be indifferent not you!


child labour is a fact of life get over it, it is a part of different cultures dont interfere and its not half as bad as the protesters make out, i have goods made in pakistan and some of the workers are around 12-13 thats their culture and their living, dont take it away from them, their conditions i have seen first hand and its pretty good!


fast food and live birds, beaks and boiling water .....oh that old chestnut..that would be the propaganda films on you tube from 20 years ago ?? i know a chicken producer who supplies some products to KFC and this is a total lie and more propaganda:suspect:


whos on my list??? anyone who tells others how to live their life and what they shouldnt or should do:roll::roll:


Just like slavery and child prostitution used to be - and sending children used up chimneys and down mines. I suppose you'd have shrugged your shoulders and said 'Meh' to all that lot too would you if you'd been around at the time?


Consumer campaigns can and do force businesses to change.

Would you buy a shirt knowing it had been made by children working in dangerous conditions and payed extremely low wages?

I know I wouldn't.

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fast food and live birds, beaks and boiling water .....oh that old chestnut..that would be the propaganda films on you tube from 20 years ago ?? i know a chicken producer who supplies some products to KFC and this is a total lie and more propaganda:suspect:


whos on my list??? anyone who tells others how to live their life and what they shouldnt or should do:roll::roll:


You know a chicken producer do you? So everyone else is wrong! Is this how you live in a tiny bubble of distorted reality? What is wrong with informed choice?


"PETA’s “Boycott KFC” campaign received a boost this month when an investigation by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) found that a leaflet urging consumers to boycott KFC did not breach advertising rules.


The material showed a caricature of KFC’s Colonel Sanders covered in blood, and grinning maniacally whilst holding a chicken by the legs in one hand and a bloodied kitchen knife in the other. The leaflet contained information about conditions in chicken farms including the widespread torture of chickens and methods of killing that PETA deemed to be inhumane.


PETA founder Ingrid E Newkirk said, “If KFC treated cats or dogs the way suppliers treat these birds, KFC would be closed down and all those involved in perpetuating this cruelty would be in prison. KFC has ignored the recommendations of its own animal welfare advisers, and we are letting people know that.”


PETA is now planning to step up its campaign against KFC in the UK after success with KFC Canada, which has agreed a more humane slaughter method and to serve vegan “chicken” in hundreds of its Canadian restaurants."

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