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Boycotting Businesses; do you?


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sending children up chimneys and down mines. I suppose you'd have shrugged your shoulders and said 'Meh' to all that lot too would you if you'd been around at the time?


My Friends a chimney sweep, he gets the odd customer who's genuinely shocked that he's not going to climb inside their chimney to sweep it out :hihi:

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I used to boycott South African goods until they abandoned apartheid and I still boycott Israeli goods, which here means fruit and veg. I can't remember ever seeing any other Israeli products on the shelves.


I'll start buying them again when they get rid of Zionism and give the Arabs a better deal.


It could be a while...

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Just like slavery and child prostitution used to be - and sending children used up chimneys and down mines. I suppose you'd have shrugged your shoulders and said 'Meh' to all that lot too would you if you'd been around at the time?


Consumer campaigns can and do force businesses to change.

Would you buy a shirt knowing it had been made by children working in dangerous conditions and payed extremely low wages?

I know I wouldn't.


oh come on Halibut i didnt say that did i?? stop spinning what i said, what i actually said is i have seen "child labour" as you call it in china and in Pakistan first hand and the propaganda does not bear out these allegations that every factory is dangerous and as for wages these are the going rates for that industry at that time in that country, every factory i deal with has or does use young adults from about 12 years they are in mostly aircondidtioned units and are well dressed and clean.....oh by the way when was the last time you visited any factory in the far east??????

as for slavery and child prostitution i abhor that the same as anyone:roll::roll:

as for consumer campaigns these only work when the business sees it as an opportunity and believe me we nearly all buy shirts made by youngsters and that is the way of the far east world!


---------- Post added 09-09-2013 at 19:40 ----------


You know a chicken producer do you? So everyone else is wrong! Is this how you live in a tiny bubble of distorted reality? What is wrong with informed choice?


"PETA’s “Boycott KFC” campaign received a boost this month when an investigation by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) found that a leaflet urging consumers to boycott KFC did not breach advertising rules.


The material showed a caricature of KFC’s Colonel Sanders covered in blood, and grinning maniacally whilst holding a chicken by the legs in one hand and a bloodied kitchen knife in the other. The leaflet contained information about conditions in chicken farms including the widespread torture of chickens and methods of killing that PETA deemed to be inhumane.


PETA founder Ingrid E Newkirk said, “If KFC treated cats or dogs the way suppliers treat these birds, KFC would be closed down and all those involved in perpetuating this cruelty would be in prison. KFC has ignored the recommendations of its own animal welfare advisers, and we are letting people know that.”


PETA is now planning to step up its campaign against KFC in the UK after success with KFC Canada, which has agreed a more humane slaughter method and to serve vegan “chicken” in hundreds of its Canadian restaurants."


yes in fact i know 2 in the uk both have supplied and one still does supply KFC and the methods you describe are utter b*******s FACT! first hand knowledge the same birds are supplied to tesco and other supermarkets also.

you on the other hand are happy to listen to the ramblings of Peta:hihi::hihi::hihi: and watching the you tube rants from crackpot campaigners:loopy:

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Would you knowingly spend your money in a supermarket chain where the CEO is paid over a thousand times more than the lowest paid workers?


Or on a drink made by a multi-national company linked to child labour issues and the killing of trade unionists in South America?


Or in a fast food chain accused of dropping live birds in to boiling water after breaking their wings?


Who is on your list?


Link to Ethical Consumer.


The list includes Tate & Lyle:


Tate and Lyle


Category: Human rights

Called by: Clean Sugar Campaign


Human rights campaigners in Asia are calling for a boycott of sugar company Tate & Lyle over land rights abuses in Cambodia. Activists say that sugar produced on land confiscated by the Cambodian government and handed over to plantation owners is being sold by Tate & Lyle in the UK, Europe and US.



Just one problem.



Tate & Lyle no longer make or market sugar. Not a lot of people know that. They see T&L sugar on the supermarket shelves still, but it's not made by Tate & Lyle. They sold the sugar part of their business including the right to sell sugar under the Tate and Lyle name a few years ago to a company called American Sugar Refining.

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oh come on Halibut i didnt say that did i?? stop spinning what i said, what i actually said is i have seen "child labour" as you call it in china and in Pakistan first hand and the propaganda does not bear out these allegations that every factory is dangerous and as for wages these are the going rates for that industry at that time in that country, every factory i deal with has or does use young adults from about 12 years they are in mostly aircondidtioned units and are well dressed and clean.....oh by the way when was the last time you visited any factory in the far east??????

as for slavery and child prostitution i abhor that the same as anyone:roll::roll:

as for consumer campaigns these only work when the business sees it as an opportunity and believe me we nearly all buy shirts made by youngsters and that is the way of the far east world!


---------- Post added 09-09-2013 at 19:40 ----------



yes in fact i know 2 in the uk both have supplied and one still does supply KFC and the methods you describe are utter b*******s FACT! first hand knowledge the same birds are supplied to tesco and other supermarkets also.

you on the other hand are happy to listen to the ramblings of Peta:hihi::hihi::hihi: and watching the you tube rants from crackpot campaigners:loopy:


What are your impressions about how chickens are farmed then? Let's have some links to your facts as well. Also why do you feel the need to insert those silly little icons? Do you think they add some kudos to your comments?

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