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Boycotting Businesses; do you?


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Years ago Maplin required all its assistants to have a strong working knowledge of electronics theory, ohms law and all that. That's certainly not the case now.


I remember going in for an 8 pin DIN plug. An assistant asked what it was for. "A BBC Micro" I replied. He looked astounded and said "When have the BBC started making PCs?"

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Years ago Maplin required all its assistants to have a strong working knowledge of electronics theory, ohms law and all that. That's certainly not the case now.


I remember going in for an 8 pin DIN plug. An assistant asked what it was for. "A BBC Micro" I replied. He looked astounded and said "When have the BBC started making PCs?"


Mine was a role within their IT department - Ironically because I didn't have enough experience with virtualisation; which is one of my core skills these days!

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Years ago Maplin required all its assistants to have a strong working knowledge of electronics theory, ohms law and all that. That's certainly not the case now.


I remember going in for an 8 pin DIN plug. An assistant asked what it was for. "A BBC Micro" I replied. He looked astounded and said "When have the BBC started making PCs?"


I had a problem with co-axial cable at Maplins. The assistant thought all co-axial cable was 75 ohms. He had only heard of TV Aerial cable, he didn't know they sold any other type, it,s not only happened with coax either.

Coming back to the original question. The thing that upsets me is when companies donate to charity. Am I supposed to be pleased that they are using my money,from charging excessive prices,and giving it away to a charity of their choosing ?

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My Dad's (then-) company built much of the SNCF train station's internals (glass lifts, aluminium and stainless rails and fittings, etc) and fitted all of the windows and other bits to the flagship 'pink castle' hotel at the entrance. He got that gig on the back of putting this together (outer glasswalls, glass roof, glass 1st floor, etc.)


Disney/Bovis never paid their bills. Neither those of my Dad's company nor those of most of the myriad other subcontractors employed on the site. With the blessings of/shielding by the then-Socialist government, who were still buying into the "tens of thousands" of jobs Disney was going create (...in case anyone was foolish enough to consider dragging Mickey/Bovis before a commercial tribunal - it was just not going to happen, that was made amply clear).


With the economical context there was in the early 1990s, that effectively zapped what little cashflow my Dad had managed to husband until then, and killed the company outright - along with many others in the same financial boat.


The political utility of exploiting 1000s of potential jobs in the media...worth overlooking the effective killing of a few SMEs and putting of their employees on the dole by the House of Mouse.


Spare a thought next time you're there and looking around :|

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Nothing to do with unethical business activities, customer service or tax evasion; they simply turned me down for an IT job when I was younger. I'm sure losing me as a customer hurts them every day!


You better get down there and buy some capacitors before they start laying people off.

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My Dad's (then-) company built much of the SNCF train station's internals (glass lifts, aluminium and stainless rails and fittings, etc) and fitted all of the windows and other bits to the flagship 'pink castle' hotel at the entrance. He got that gig on the back of putting this together (outer glasswalls, glass roof, glass 1st floor, etc.)


Disney/Bovis never paid their bills. Neither those of my Dad's company nor those of most of the myriad other subcontractors employed on the site. With the blessings of/shielding by the then-Socialist government, who were still buying into the "tens of thousands" of jobs Disney was going create (...in case anyone was foolish enough to consider dragging Mickey/Bovis before a commercial tribunal - it was just not going to happen, that was made amply clear).


With the economical context there was in the early 1990s, that effectively zapped what little cashflow my Dad had managed to husband until then, and killed the company outright - along with many others in the same financial boat.


The political utility of exploiting 1000s of potential jobs in the media...worth overlooking the effective killing of a few SMEs and putting of their employees on the dole by the House of Mouse.


Spare a thought next time you're there and looking around :|


I thought it was against the Law not paying your bills.



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