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Tories save economy

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True, but that's the case right across the political spectrum, not just Tories. You didn't emphasise any sentiment other than trust for the Tories, unless you want to move your "political" goalposts bias that is.

I meant across the political spectrum.


The Tories can be trusted to run a tight ship. Labour can be trusted to spend like drunken sailors. They cannot be trusted to do the right thing by their core voter base, working-class Northerners. Which is why they won't win in 2015.

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I wonder what would have happened if the government had done nothing. I bet the outcome would have been similar. 'Boom or Bust Brown' said it was a global downturn that he was powerless to confront. Now Ossie is saying that he has cured the UK of recession single-handedly by making poor people poorer.


Remind me, what caused the recession in the first place? IDS has spent millions on a flagship single benefit system that might not be all it wants to be. Jobfare was less effective in finding people jobs than doing nothing. Railway tenders were mis-administered costing about £50 million to the tax payer and some companies appear to be choose what tax they want to pay.

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I meant across the political spectrum.



No you didn't. The Tories are not the political spectrum unless you meant all the parties are to be trusted or not as the case may be. It would be a foolish man to vote based on trust alone, which you implied as you used no other sentiment.


Singling out the Tories based on...


...The economy has been saved by the Tories, and to go further by suggesting we should trust them based on this blip euphoric point in time is political naivety.


If it makes you any more comfortable I'm quite prepared to replace the word Tory with Labour, but as their not in power I'll guess we'll have to await the outcome in the near future.

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I did mean across the political spectrum. People across the political spectrum trust the tories. People across the political spectrum DO NOT trust Labour. But as I have said, trust isn't the only thing that dictates who people vote for.


I'm a person. I'm on the political spectrum. I don't trust the Tories.


So your claim is disproved.


Please try again.

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I did mean across the political spectrum. People across the political spectrum trust the tories. People across the political spectrum DO NOT trust Labour. But as I have said, trust isn't the only thing that dictates who people vote for.


No. You're saying people don't trust Labour but trust the Tories because YOU trust the Tories, that is not the same as everyone.


If people across the PS did we wouldn't have a coalition.

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No Labour government has ever managed the economy well, Ramsey Mac, Attlee, Wilson, Callaghan all were inept economically. Blair inherited a sound economy from John Major he got out just as things went tits up. Brown was moronic.


With the exception of Heath who never got the chance to implement appropriate policies due to the communists in the unions and their fellow travellers in the Labour party, every Tory administration has left power with the economy in a better condition than they found it.


Don't make the same mistake as our forebears did, vote Conservative. Trust Dave and George. Happy days are here again!!!!!

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