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Tories save economy

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Because they lie, mislead and lie some more.

What have the Tories lied or mislead people about?


All to ensure that those in power remain at the top of the heap. That's what "conservative" means.

Funny that social mobility declined so much under Labour, wasn't it?


And look how many sons and daughters of prominent lefties are in prime positions in the Labour party. Euan Blair will be next. Then John Prescott's daughter.


Tories are inherently untrustworthy.
They really aren't. They just don't give out as much free stuff as Labour. For some people, that makes them "evil".
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They really aren't. They just don't give out as much free stuff as Labour. For some people, that makes them "evil".


No, they do. Just look at the nepotism in the Tory party.

Or the lack of any regulation of big business. Or the lack of willingness to tax them*.


Try looking at the transfer of wealth under Tory governments. Or have a look at their demonizing of the poor. They are truly a bunch of evil, unfeeling gits, who only exist to feed their own.


*By this point you might have realised that I include New Labour under the banner of "Tory", for that is where they belong.

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Because they lie, mislead and lie some more.


All to ensure that those in power remain at the top of the heap. That's what "conservative" means.


Tories are inherently untrustworthy.


Personally speaking I find them on the whole a bit dim, the further they get towards the right that is. As you move to the left I find intelligence tends to shine through, not always but mostly. I know many who are not intelligent but do have a knack for making a few quid. Sadly this is mistaken for intelligence...it isn't, it's just a knack.


What I dislike about conservatism is the lack of vision, it's an ideology based on standing still or forever looking back, stiff upper lip, home values, the church, traditionalism which is uncomfortably related to nationalism IMO.


It's elitism, and the working class conservatives have been fed a line. You too can be elite.

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Nice to see nearly everyone one here is prospering and I assume their friends and relations are too. If the lie is repeated over and over again, in our tabloid mind set, such statement become a fact, and therefore true.


Time to pop the chanpers, making money these days is easier than falling off a log. THe poor just want to remain poor, a sort of tribal identity thing.


Its the beginning of another boom, thought it would never come, but the bank ballance tells the truth, and with 20% loan off new builds, time to buy up blocks, while the sale lasts!!

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I'm not sure that our resident security guard has that level of political sophistication.


He's also forgotten about the Major government.


The Major government left the UK economy in a very sound condition. Ken Clarke was Chancellor and very effective.


---------- Post added 10-09-2013 at 07:10 ----------


Nice to see nearly everyone one here is prospering and I assume their friends and relations are too. If the lie is repeated over and over again, in our tabloid mind set, such statement become a fact, and therefore true.


Time to pop the chanpers, making money these days is easier than falling off a log. THe poor just want to remain poor, a sort of tribal identity thing.


Its the beginning of another boom, thought it would never come, but the bank ballance tells the truth, and with 20% loan off new builds, time to buy up blocks, while the sale lasts!!


Exactly, that's how it works, its capitalism!!!


---------- Post added 10-09-2013 at 07:22 ----------


Personally speaking I find them on the whole a bit dim, the further they get towards the right that is. As you move to the left I find intelligence tends to shine through, not always but mostly. I know many who are not intelligent but do have a knack for making a few quid. Sadly this is mistaken for intelligence...it isn't, it's just a knack.


What I dislike about conservatism is the lack of vision, it's an ideology based on standing still or forever looking back, stiff upper lip, home values, the church, traditionalism which is uncomfortably related to nationalism IMO.


It's elitism, and the working class conservatives have been fed a line. You too can be elite.


Your arrogance is compounded by your stupidity, look at what socialism has done to this city, it is filthy, not only is its city centre derelict and empty no one in its administration has the faintest idea what to do about it. Compare and contrast any city or area that has had long term Tory administration. It is like stepping in to a parallel universe.


Its nothing to do with intelligence, its to do with the work ethic, standing on your own two feet and not relying on governments hand-outs and welfare. Its doing your best for yourself, your family and your community. not standing on the side-lines carping enviously and trying to demean and belittle those who want to get on in life.


People with your attitude hold this country back, you seek to bring everyone down to a level you are intellectually capable of dealing with and you, like other contributors, do this be seeking to impugn the intelligence honesty and motivation of those whose opinions and attitudes you despise.

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The Major government left the UK economy in a very sound condition. Ken Clarke was Chancellor and very effective.


---------- Post added 10-09-2013 at 07:10 ----------



Exactly, that's how it works, its capitalism!!!


Are you sure you don't mean crony capitalism?


Want to try and start a small business in the UK? Good luck because you're often competing with massive multinationals that are enmeshed with and protected by the state. Big companies have replaced and reduced the small ones.


That is the condition our capitalism has reached. Celebrate it all you want but the corporatist-political machine is there for the big guys now. The little guys pick up the scraps. Some will get lucky, most won't.

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Are you sure you don't mean crony capitalism?


Want to try and start a small business in the UK? Good luck because you're often competing with massive multinationals that are enmeshed with and protected by the state. Big companies have replaced and reduced the small ones.


That is the condition our capitalism has reached. Celebrate it all you want but the corporatist-political machine is there for the big guys now. The little guys pick up the scraps. Some will get lucky, most won't.


The most important part of the British economy are the small and medium enterprises. It is them that are have created the 1million + new jobs. The "big guys" you mention were allowed to become too powerful by Labour, it was them that allowed the Serco/G4S/AforE culture to prosper, it is this government that has taken these conglomerates to task. Under this government Banks and financial institutions are being brought under control,

(Morgan Stanley fined £14m yesterday).


Once the Tories sort out the Labour mess, and they are now well on the way to do so, they will be able to provide a more open open market to SMEs. One thing at a time.

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The most important part of the British economy are the small and medium enterprises. It is them that are have created the 1million + new jobs. The "big guys" you mention were allowed to become too powerful by Labour, it was them that allowed the Serco/G4S/AforE culture to prosper, it is this government that has taken these conglomerates to task. Under this government Banks and financial institutions are being brought under control,

(Morgan Stanley fined £14m yesterday).


Once the Tories sort out the Labour mess, and they are now well on the way to do so, they will be able to provide a more open open market to SMEs. One thing at a time.


I'm not talking about A4E etc... I'm talking about huge corporates that have aggressively destroyed local small businesses, spirited profits overseas without paying tax, and increasingly shifted production overseas. All supported by the government. It's not a level playing field and that's built into the system now. Take a look at any high street.


---------- Post added 10-09-2013 at 08:59 ----------


The Tory right don't seem too happy with Osborne's speech.


Fake austerity :)



The economy is in dire straights. Still.


Osborne is now the deficit denier. He wants to pretend the deficit isn't there.


His record low interest rates are gone. The 10 year yield on gilts is now 3%, up from 2%. He's stopped talking about that too.


The only good thing is that his crazy analysis of the situation has shut Ed Balls up :) Who just doesn't know how to respond because of how warped Osborne's arguments are.


See what you've done Hillpig, you've gone and got me started about George Osborne. And I like it when I get talking about what a disaster George Osborne is.

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Cheer up my lads tis to glory we steer.


Small businesses become big ones (look at M&S, Tesco, hundreds of other examples).


There is always room for new business, new internet businesses are the very reason the high street is in trouble. There are winners and losers always have been always will be its called capitalism, its the only system that works.


It is progressive, it culls the weak. Capitalism and Darwinism proved to be right.

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