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Tories save economy

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Cheer up my lads tis to glory we steer.


Small businesses become big ones (look at M&S, Tesco, hundreds of other examples).


There is always room for new business, new internet businesses are the very reason the high street is in trouble. There are winners and losers always have been always will be its called capitalism, its the only system that works.


It is progressive, it culls the weak. Capitalism and Darwinism proved to be right.


Every country in the world uses capitalism, maybe that's why the world is in such a mess.

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I think people do trust the Tories. A lot of people don't like them, but they still trust them. Labour are just untrustworthy, they will say anything to get themselves into power and then turn their backs on the very people that put them there.




Voters' confidence in George Osborne and David Cameron's ability to manage Britain's finances has risen sharply in a fresh blow to Labour.


An ICM survey for the Guardian revealed the pair have opened up a massive lead over rivals Ed Miliband and Ed Balls when it comes to running the economy.


It found 40% of voters had confidence in the Tory party on the central issue, a major leap from 28% back in June.


The Labour leader and his shadow chancellor were well behind on 24%, despite enjoying a five-point jump in their own rating over the same period.


In further bad news for Ed Miliband, Labour only had a three-point lead over the Tories when it came to overall voting intentions.


The poll put Labour on 35% and the Tories on 32%, which when taking into account the margin of error could make the lead non-existent.


It piles more pressure on Mr Miliband, who returned from a two-week family holiday on Monday amid criticism about a lack of leadership.


Prominent Labour MPs have complained about a summer of "deafening silence" from the shadow cabinet that has allowed the Tories to set the agenda.


There is also disquiet that the Opposition has still not fleshed out policies in key areas, with just 21 months until the next election.


The rise in confidence in Mr Osborne and Mr Cameron on the economy follows encouraging figures last month which put growth at 0.6% in the second quarter of 2013.


It also appears to show that Labour's move to make the rising cost of living a key theme of its attack on the coalition's handling of the economy is not working.

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Ipsos MORI poll last month showed more people think the economy is improving than not.


shh, facts are like kryptonite to Mecky.


---------- Post added 10-09-2013 at 13:10 ----------


I wonder what would have happened if the government had done nothing. I bet the outcome would have been similar. 'Boom or Bust Brown' said it was a global downturn that he was powerless to confront. Now Ossie is saying that he has cured the UK of recession single-handedly by making poor people poorer.


Remind me, what caused the recession in the first place? IDS has spent millions on a flagship single benefit system that might not be all it wants to be. Jobfare was less effective in finding people jobs than doing nothing. Railway tenders were mis-administered costing about £50 million to the tax payer and some companies appear to be choose what tax they want to pay.


It wasn't global, not all economies went into recession and Brown just didn't see if coming, even after being warned repeatedly.

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Every country in the world uses capitalism, maybe that's why the world is in such a mess.


Have you ever sat down and discussed communism with anyone who has lived under such a regime?


The world is in a mess, in some ways, but, infant mortality is down, Polio and other diseases are about to be eradicated. Africa's GDP is growing very quickly, women are starting to assert themselves all over the world.


In the west we are able to assist them, why? because we are rich, why are we rich? because as capitalists we have made money.


These countries as well as China, India, Brazil, Russia are experiencing improvements in lifestyle their inhabitants never believed they could, why?


Capitalism as espoused by the Tory party.


---------- Post added 10-09-2013 at 13:25 ----------




Voters' confidence in George Osborne and David Cameron's ability to manage Britain's finances has risen sharply in a fresh blow to Labour.


An ICM survey for the Guardian revealed the pair have opened up a massive lead over rivals Ed Miliband and Ed Balls when it comes to running the economy.


It found 40% of voters had confidence in the Tory party on the central issue, a major leap from 28% back in June.


The Labour leader and his shadow chancellor were well behind on 24%, despite enjoying a five-point jump in their own rating over the same period.


In further bad news for Ed Miliband, Labour only had a three-point lead over the Tories when it came to overall voting intentions.


The poll put Labour on 35% and the Tories on 32%, which when taking into account the margin of error could make the lead non-existent.


It piles more pressure on Mr Miliband, who returned from a two-week family holiday on Monday amid criticism about a lack of leadership.


Prominent Labour MPs have complained about a summer of "deafening silence" from the shadow cabinet that has allowed the Tories to set the agenda.


There is also disquiet that the Opposition has still not fleshed out policies in key areas, with just 21 months until the next election.


The rise in confidence in Mr Osborne and Mr Cameron on the economy follows encouraging figures last month which put growth at 0.6% in the second quarter of 2013.


It also appears to show that Labour's move to make the rising cost of living a key theme of its attack on the coalition's handling of the economy is not working.


I agree in all regards, and what does Milliband do to assert his leadership? Picks a fight with the unions. You could not make it up.


---------- Post added 10-09-2013 at 13:29 ----------


1,700 new jobs at Land Rover. about a further 2,500 in the supply chain. All export led.

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Have you ever sat down and discussed communism with anyone who has lived under such a regime?


Communist countries use Capitalism as does every country in the world. Well, I can't think of one which doesn't. Don't confuse governmental societal systems with monetary systems.


Oh and FYI, GDP is not a reliable system to measure the effectiveness of the economy.

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Well done George Osborne, despite all the sniping plan a is working,


You keep on drawing your ministerial salary and secure your pension , whilst the workers and pensioners pull the country out of the " S**T", and with your usual arrogance , tell us all that " You have done it ".


Hillpig - I am sure that you are on an equivalent income and that your pension will be more than the life saving £130.per week


---------- Post added 10-09-2013 at 20:36 ----------


Read the quality press, not the Mirror or the Daily Worker. Its all there, alongside the new info that only 45% of trade unionists are likely to vote Labour.


---------- Post added 09-09-2013 at 19:34 ----------



I love the smell of marker pens in the morning its smells of victory!!!!!


No ! Hillpig looks the " Beano" . Doesn't understand it , but just looks at it for the picis .

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I think people do trust the Tories. A lot of people don't like them, but they still trust them. Labour are just untrustworthy, they will say anything to get themselves into power and then turn their backs on the very people that put them there.


Oh! I thought the tory's only took power with the help of the LD, hence the coalition .

Thank God they didn't take us into another war -with the support of the LD's and some tory's , otherwise we would have had the protraction of the austerity measures well beyond the the next general election .


Someone referred to the " Shambles" earlier in the thread . How foresighted of them .


---------- Post added 10-09-2013 at 21:02 ----------


No its the one that's stopping public bodies being profligate, that's created over a million new jobs in the private sector and making the workshy get off their backsides and start fending for themselves.


Its also the plan that's going to win the next election.


Humpig , can you tel me the public bodies to whom you refer ?

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Oh! I thought the tory's only took power with the help of the LD, hence the coalition .

Thank God they didn't take us into another war -with the support of the LD's and some tory's , otherwise we would have had the protraction of the austerity measures well beyond the the next general election .


Someone referred to the " Shambles" earlier in the thread . How foresighted of them .


---------- Post added 10-09-2013 at 21:02 ----------



Humpig , can you tel me the public bodies to whom you refer ?


Certainly, The NHS, Police, Fire Service, Ambulance, Job Centres, Courts, the entire welfare budget.


PS with a name like Batty I wouldn't take the mickey out of mine.


---------- Post added 10-09-2013 at 21:16 ----------


Communist countries use Capitalism as does every country in the world. Well, I can't think of one which doesn't. Don't confuse governmental societal systems with monetary systems.


Oh and FYI, GDP is not a reliable system to measure the effectiveness of the economy.


Communism and capitalism same thing? please explain, Re GDP what is your preferred method?

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