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Tories save economy

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The Chinese leadership are not stupid. They took over Hong Kong and used it as a business model. So whilst they may preach communism they actually encourage capitalism nowadays and in those areas where they do the economy is booming. The chinese leadership are also some of the most corrupt leaders outside of Africa. That is why they are also some of the world's richest men. No communism there.


The chinese just copy things and try to improve them. I watched a Top Gear programme and the presenters said the chinese were copying world leader models of vehicles and they said it won't be too long before they are exported world-wide.


Like I said, capitalism is not a social system like communism is, it is a fiscal system. Capitalism exists is every country whether they be communist states or not.

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I am clearly inferior to you and cannot follow your intellectual flow. I merely seek clarity please explain oh great one.


---------- Post added 11-09-2013 at 09:36 ----------



Xenia died in October last year, he used to post from this computer as I do now.


I am retired and receive an income from my investments and property. I have deferred my pension indefinitely as, from a taxation point of view it would be meaningless.


The work I do is voluntary as was the work Xenia did here, other than that I have no knowledge of his personal circumstances.


I trust this answers your query. Thank you for your fascination.[COLOR="Silver"]


---------- Post added 11-09-2013 at 09:39 ----------




May I respectfully request you use more paragraphs, I find it easier to read and although I tend to disagree with you, your contributions are interesting challenging and more worthy of being studied than the majority of contributors some of whom are either moronic or just plain boring.


But why is it then Xenia, RobCalder and you make exactly the same spelling mistakes? That's more than a coincidence....

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Is this the plan to have inflation outstripping wage increases so that everyone, apart from his rich cronies, are actually worse off? Or the one about people having to take up zero hours contracts? Or the one about food banks? Or the one about acute shortages in A & E departments, or the one about the reduction in midwives?


Or the one about more people being employed despite the fact they are low paid part time jobs.

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things are on the up for some people - which is good news for them


hopefully growth will continue for long enough that the government can ensure that everyone benefits


and hopefully it isn't being fueled by another housing market bubble


but there will be another recession in due course


often the difference between a successful chancellor and a failure is just timing - and that isn't a party political point

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often the difference between a successful chancellor and a failure is just timing - and that isn't a party political point


Not sure about that, you can put out dubious stories in the press to make things sound better than they actually are and if you can distance yourself from the story and peg it onto a quango or some supposed think-tank so much the better. I never take things as face value whether it's what I want to hear or not. Collect info, compare and contrast, read between the lines etc then you might have some idea of the state of play, but only maybe.

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what i meant was that, sometimes you might be a good chancellor but events beyond your control takeover, and a recession follows irrespective of your best efforts


sometimes you may be a less capable chancellor but events conspire to create a thriving economy in spite of anything you've done rather than because of

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what i meant was that, sometimes you might be a good chancellor but events beyond your control takeover, and a recession follows irrespective of your best efforts


sometimes you may be a less capable chancellor but events conspire to create a thriving economy in spite of anything you've done rather than because of


There is some truth in that, economic activity is cyclical but as long as you have people in power who know how to handle money and are pragmatic, not bowed down by political dogma e.g. Labour. Then it is controllable.


The real problem is private debt, and a housing bubble should not be allowed to get out of hand. No doubt the new Governor is as aware of this as anyone and will balance the size of any bubble against unemployment and take the necessary action. Certainly the Chancellor is as good as any we have ever had and although there are dangers, I believe we are in very good hands.

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