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What it's like to be a Doctors receptionist

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It's a difficult job dealing with different people several times a day who are worried and anxious.

Maybe patients need to appreciate the receptionists have their own problems.


absolutely, we are only human and some of the things we see from day to day can be upsetting and very sad but we are trying to be calm and professional at the same time


we are the stitching that holds the place together :)


I guess at some surgeries some receptionists could do with a few lessons in customer care but hopefully we are doing it right at our surgery :)

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I've never had any problems with the receptionists at my gp surgery.


It is nice to get the other side of the coin from a receptionist. Hopefully some people will be a little more understanding of the job they do.

Not forgetting that SOME receptionists are just plain awful, I would guess that most of them do a good job.

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I've never had any problems with the receptionists at my gp surgery.


It is nice to get the other side of the coin from a receptionist. Hopefully some people will be a little more understanding of the job they do.

Not forgetting that SOME receptionists are just plain awful, I would guess that most of them do a good job.


I guess its the same in any job where you are dealing with the public, some are better at it than others.

It would be fantastic to give everyone who rang an appointment.... when they want, with the gp they want at a time they want, would make my job a lot easier.

Unfortunately we just don't have the means to do that

but everyone who rings will be offered an appointment of some sort.

If all book on the day appointments have gone when you get through you will be offered a telephone appointment (triage) with a gp, we usually have two gps on triage, its surprising how many things can be dealt with on the phone...if the gp wants to see you face to face or to examine you, you will be offered an appointment at a time to suit on the same day.

I would say 80% of triage appointments are dealt with successfully on the phone. Gp's like triage as they can deal with twice as many appointments than face to face.

We have a minor illness clinic with a nurse practitioner for ears, chests, throats, rashes etc

I would say 95% of patients are dealt with successfully on the same day.


After all that we still get shouted at down the phone....some people are never happy no matter what you try and do for them :roll:


Hope this gives an insight to what actually happens behind the reception desk :)

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I refuse on principal to tell the receptionist my ailments. They are for the knowledge of the Doctor only.




you are absolutely right and I would too, but like I said the gps have asked for this not the receptionists and of course you have every right to say I would rather speak to the Doctor ......... no other questions asked

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