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SAS 'apologise' to the Princes for Diana's death

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Not that Diana was definitely murdered, or that the SAS have been complicit, but I always suspected her death was a shady event. Not a mere accident, but that of a 'Boston Brakes' type 'hit' (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Boston%20Brakes), as verified by Sir Ranulph Ffiennes, a former SAS officer himself. Much of the whole story surrounding Diana's and Dodi's death doesn't add up, and I never just accepted the simple 'just an accident' theory espoused by irritated forummers across the web.




Now that our own SAS lads, 30 of whom are being interviewed because they were still serving in 1997, could possibly have been involved in her possible murder? Or know something about it?


Seperately, some of even the SAS regiment think Diana was murdered.




But it's the first time a British Army Officer has apologised for such a thing (the probe of their involvement in her death)... and before anyone has even been charged?


Is it a case of no smoke without fire?

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I knew that stretch of road in Paris like the back of my hand well before that accident ever happened, including the presence and layout of the CCTVs.


On the night it happened, and ever since, I've always wondered why did (allegedly-) none of the CCTVs covering the area, particularly the 2 which cover the entrance to the Pont d'Alma underpass and the first few meters until the first bend, worked that day?

CCTV images


Mohammed Fayed stated in 2003 that there were about ten video cameras on the route taken by the Mercedes, including one on the entrance to the tunnel itself, but there are no recordings from any of these for the night in question. The Independent also stated in 2006 that there are more than 14 CCTV cameras in the Pont de l'Alma underpass, but none recorded footage of the fatal collision.

I'm not usually leant to conspiracies and flimsy hats made of shiny reflective material, but then again I don't believe in coincidences either, and this has never added up for me.
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I suppose, no matter what happens with this enquiry, currently involving the Government and Royal Family, we'll never get to the bottom of the sad story?


“There are now people in Government wondering whether there was a rogue element in the SAS or a special unit of ex-members who played some part in her death.”


No matter whether it was just a tragic accident (unlikely, IMHO) or some organisation from somewhere with whatever motive, it will still always look suspicious because of the not-100% solved events and actions surrounding the crash?


As "a senior Government source" told the Daily Express: “Two weeks ago you would not have believed that Diana was murdered, let alone that the SAS were behind it."

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It doesn't surprise me that CCTV cameras have no useful recordings. I have been in several CCTV camera surveillance suites from that kind of era in my professional life, and believe me you would have to had employed a full time person for every 8 cameras.

If any recordings were to be made it would rely on an operator selecting the correct camera and starting a video cassette recorder. You would have no chance of capturing anything with a high speed car chase especially as the tapes were poor quality and forever running out.

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It is worth looking a what exactly the SAS has said.


Major General Mark Carleton-Smith is said to have expressed regret to Charles for any distress caused to the Royal Family by the current furore.


That is as a result of what someone said that someone had said that someone else had claimed.


The fact that some of those involved in the rumours were members or ex-members of the SAS is what the dear Major General regrets.


Not exactly the same as the sensational claims of the thread title.

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It is worth looking a what exactly the SAS has said.


Major General Mark Carleton-Smith is said to have expressed regret to Charles for any distress caused to the Royal Family by the current furore.


That is as a result of what someone said that someone had said that someone else had claimed.


The fact that some of those involved in the rumours were members or ex-members of the SAS is what the dear Major General regrets.


Not exactly the same as the sensational claims of the thread title.

There you go with your grumpy, sarcastic posts again.:loopy:


Try re-reading my post (with at least two links to sources), and find the carefully worded avoidance of any definites regarding the SAS.


Not sensationalism.:roll:

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There you go with your grumpy, sarcastic posts again.:loopy:


Try re-reading my post (with at least two links to sources), and find the carefully worded avoidance of any definites regarding the SAS.


Not sensationalism.:roll:


You really are rude. Aren't you?

I see nothing grumpy, nor sarcastic.


I'm perfectly aware of the content of your post.


Now, accept the facts and ask the Mods, kindly, to edit your thread title to something more realistic. There's a lamb.

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