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SAS 'apologise' to the Princes for Diana's death

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The truth came out years ago, but there is always a fool prepared to lap up any conspiracy theory and no fact however inconvenient to that theory will ever convince them it is wrong.


As was asked earlier. How did the murderers persuade the driver to drive at 90 mph on the exact road they needed for the crash to take place?


90 mph?


Rather an exageration don't you think?


And I'll thank you not to call the many people who don't accept the version they want us to swallow as 'fools'

There are lots of educated, well informed, and educated people who share well founded doubts about what happened. The fools are the people who just accept whatever they are spoon fed and don't question.

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90 mph?


Rather an exageration don't you think?


And I'll thank you not to call the many people who don't accept the version they want us to swallow as 'fools'

There are lots of educated, well informed, and educated people who share well founded doubts about what happened. The fools are the people who just accept whatever they are spoon fed and don't question.


Strange how the last few threads on SF about Diana have been started by people swallowing the crazy stories the Express feeds them :cool:


Have any of these "educated, well informed and educated people" come up with even a semi-coherent theory in the last 16 years?


Al-Fayed and his expensive QC came up with precisely zilch at the inquest.

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As a someone who doesn't believe a monarchy should still be operating in this day & age I tend to only take a passing interest in what goes on with them.


That said I wish them no harm.


Forgive my ignorance here ,but could someone who takes more of an interest in these matters please explain to me what possible motive could there have been for killing her?

There you go spoiling everybody's fun. I happen to agree with you btw.:)


---------- Post added 21-12-2013 at 15:20 ----------


We got this far without anybody blaming America. Wow!

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There you go spoiling everybody's fun. I happen to agree with you btw.:)


---------- Post added 21-12-2013 at 15:20 ----------


We got this far without anybody blaming America. Wow!


Definitely a CIA 'wet job' got their mark all over it. ;)

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Not that Diana was definitely murdered, or that the SAS have been complicit, but I always suspected her death was a shady event. Not a mere accident, but that of a 'Boston Brakes' type 'hit' (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Boston%20Brakes), as verified by Sir Ranulph Ffiennes, a former SAS officer himself. Much of the whole story surrounding Diana's and Dodi's death doesn't add up, and I never just accepted the simple 'just an accident' theory espoused by irritated forummers across the web.




Now that our own SAS lads, 30 of whom are being interviewed because they were still serving in 1997, could possibly have been involved in her possible murder? Or know something about it?


Seperately, some of even the SAS regiment think Diana was murdered.




But it's the first time a British Army Officer has apologised for such a thing (the probe of their involvement in her death)... and before anyone has even been charged?


Is it a case of no smoke without fire?


My Bold


I think they would be very lucky to find any officers still in the regiment who where serving in 97.

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Is this conspiracy theory involving the SAS due to the fact that Diana's body guard was ex-SAS and survived the crash?

If he'd been ex-Scotland Yard would the thread have read "Scotland Yard " in place of "SAS"

I suppose that rubbish newspapers have to link someone to something to sell their rubbish, far fetched stories

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I think the SAS are involved cos one of their former troopers suggested as much ........ but I think this trooper was trying to muddy the waters to his own advantage because of his court case re being in possession of ammo and weapons. Happy to be told I'm wrong.


---------- Post added 21-12-2013 at 22:10 ----------


Trevor Rees, publicly at least, is ex-Para. I guess he could have been Special Forces 'cos they prefer to retain their anonymity?

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Right. I've found archive of inquest transcripts at; http://www.webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/www.scottbaker-inquests.gov.uk


It runs to 7,000 pages and I'm not about to trawl through it again.


However -


Happened to notice another website called 'Unresolved issues of the Diana/Dodi inquest' by John Morgan at


which sumerises the contentious areas. I can't speak for the veracity of this site - I haven't read it, but it will perhaps point you in the right direction with regards what to look up in the archive.




PS. Just tried my own links and can't get them to work, (said I wasn't very good,) so go to Google, put in 'Death of Princess Diana inquest transcript' and it will bring archive up at top, Morgan site 4th one down, if that helps.

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