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SAS 'apologise' to the Princes for Diana's death

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Is this conspiracy theory involving the SAS due to the fact that Diana's body guard was ex-SAS and survived the crash?

If he'd been ex-Scotland Yard would the thread have read "Scotland Yard " in place of "SAS"

I suppose that rubbish newspapers have to link someone to something to sell their rubbish, far fetched stories


But which individual would have the power to exert such an execution, and most important of all WHY?


Remember when the Queen mentioned dark or hidden forces at work to Burrell?




I wonder if it was to do with Diana's influence in the arms industry re. Mine fields, or because she was contemplating marrying a Muslim, be it Doddie or the other Muslim who was a doctor?


We will never know what the secret was she was going to hold a press conference and tell the world about, which she mentioned on that holiday.

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After she made her famous Landmines speech, complete with facts and figures, she received threatening phone calls warning her if she didn't stop 'she would have an accident.'


Now not every nutter who phones is able to get through to the Princess of Wales, so I assume this was a very important nutter who knew what he was talking about.

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Right. I've found archive of inquest transcripts at; http://www.webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/www.scottbaker-inquests.gov.uk


It runs to 7,000 pages and I'm not about to trawl through it again.


However -


Happened to notice another website called 'Unresolved issues of the Diana/Dodi inquest' by John Morgan at


which sumerises the contentious areas. I can't speak for the veracity of this site - I haven't read it, but it will perhaps point you in the right direction with regards what to look up in the archive.




PS. Just tried my own links and can't get them to work, (said I wasn't very good,) so go to Google, put in 'Death of Princess Diana inquest transcript' and it will bring archive up at top, Morgan site 4th one down, if that helps.


So which bit gives evidence for a murder?

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It was aliens.


Well it wasn't but it is more plausbile than any of the tripe you have pedaled this past few days.


Glad I wasn't the only one thinking this. I heard from a reputable source called Shzzrendaf (not sure how to pronounce it) that he sold a super light beam that when combined with a ultra light flatizan would blind any driver over the limit in Paris from the roof of Buckingham Palace. So Philip did it.


More realistic than most of the rubbish posted in this thread :)

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The driver of her car had been scheduled to be off duty that night. He'd already had a few when he was told that he would in fact be the driver for the couple.

The accident was a lethal mix of alcohol, a powerful car going way too fast and being pursued by the news hounds

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After she made her famous Landmines speech, complete with facts and figures, she received threatening phone calls warning her if she didn't stop 'she would have an accident.'


Now not every nutter who phones is able to get through to the Princess of Wales, so I assume this was a very important nutter who knew what he was talking about.


Some nutters even manage to sit on the edge of the Queen's bed...




So I don't think you have to be "important" to invade the Royals' privacy...

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or because she was contemplating marrying a Muslim, be it Doddie or the other Muslim who was a doctor?


We will never know what the secret was she was going to hold a press conference and tell the world about, which she mentioned on that holiday.


"An inquiry witness was Hasnat Khan, a Muslim heart surgeon of Pakistani origin based in London, who had a relationship with Diana for two years. Diana had even explored the possibility of marriage with him. This had been met with no opposition from the Royal Family and Prince Charles had given it his blessing"


"Mohamed Al-Fayed made the assertion in television interviews that the couple were going to announce their engagement on the Monday after the accident: 1 September 1997. Operation Paget commented that an announcement of such magnitude from the Princess of Wales would have been a substantial media event of worldwide interest and would have required much preparation. No evidence that any such preparation had been made was found."


I think most of the conspiracy theories came about because Al-Fayed just couldn't accept that his son had been killed in an ordinary car crash...Even with all his cash and resources he hasn't been able to come up with either a credible reason for an assasination or any credible proof of one...

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