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Mass Summer exodus to Millhouses Park 1960's


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I remember what seemed to be the whole of the Park district getting on the 95 bus to Commercial St, then catching the Millhouses bus outside John Walsh's to spend a Sunday at Millhouses Lido.

I loved looking at the big posh houses opposite the park, coming from a two up two down they seem like palaces to me

All the Mums would have packed enough food and provisions that would have done an expedition up the Limpopo proud, lugging great big bags on and off the buses.

I can still remember the 'splunging' sound my feet made walking in the paddling pools, and the excruciating pain when my shins banged against those concrete steps.

The day seemed to last forever, and when we did finally pack up to go home sunburnt :o sleepy, full of potted meat sandwiches and burdock listening to all the laughter and chatter on the return journey.

The Norfolk Park was just a walk up the road, and even though it is a lovely park it didn't have a lido or a fabulous river, and it wouldn't have seemed like a special day like the day out at Millhouses.

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Good memory of a much loved time in the history of Sheffield. Sometimes on a summer Sunday we couldn't get on a tram at Highfields to go swimming at Millhouses. So me and Dad would walk there. Might have complained initially, but just got on with it ! There was even something to do there in the winter i.e. my elder brother swimming in an almost ice covered pool !!

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Travelled on 2 buses from Ballifield,seemed liked going on holiday remember putting clothes on a metal rack in the changing rooms and getting a rubber wristband with the number on it.Also remember the dark green water that was very cold,the crumbling cement pool bottom and a very deep deepend.

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