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What's Happened To The BNP?

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Nobody talks about them on the news or forums anymore. Is Nick One Eye dead?? The website is still going - but nobody gives a poo anymore. What's going on?




The BNP joined the global capitalist club the European Union and surrendered its anti-globalist credentials for a pot of money.


What we need is a truly left-wing anti-mass immigration party to champion the British poor who are its victims. Mass immigration is a capitalist scheme that hurts British workers and the poor. Always has been. Always will be.


---------- Post added 11-09-2013 at 08:34 ----------


Nobody talks about them on the news or forums anymore. Is Nick One Eye dead?? The website is still going - but nobody gives a poo anymore. What's going on?




When the sky didn't fall in after the BNP gained two MEP's, most sane people recognised that they weren't a threat and forgot about them.

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The BNP is running out of money and members as it's members are deserting them and joining the EDL or the British Freedom Party (the political wing of the EDL) or in many cases UKIP!


Totally untrue, UKIP are the only party that has a ban on ex BNP, EDL, Britain First members joining. You are more likely to see ex BNP members within the Labour party who have recently stood such people for council elections.


As for the racism accusation around Romanian and Bulgarian immigration next year what race are Romanian and Bulgarians?


I do agree it's nice the racist and socialist BNP have vanished and good riddance.

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Totally untrue, UKIP are the only party that has a ban on ex BNP, EDL, Britain First members joining. You are more likely to see ex BNP members within the Labour party who have recently stood such people for council elections.


As for the racism accusation around Romanian and Bulgarian immigration next year what race are Romanian and Bulgarians?


I do agree it's nice the racist and socialist BNP have vanished and good riddance.


This is true. The BNP creamed most of its support from disillusioned Labour Party voters.


I can't see how we can be racist against white Europeans, when the majority of this country are white Europeans. That doesn't make sense.

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This is true. The BNP creamed most of its support from disillusioned Labour Party voters.


I can't see how we can be racist against white Europeans, when the majority of this country are white Europeans. That doesn't make sense.


Oh that's easy Janet - you just demonise them, reduce them to racial stereotypes and lump them all all under the same crassly foolish unbrella, just like all hatefreaks do. *


*and then bleat that it can't possibly be racist because they're (roughly) the same colour as you.

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Oh that's easy Janet - you just demonise them, reduce them to racial stereotypes and lump them all all under the same crassly foolish unbrella, just like all hatefreaks do. *


*and then bleat that it can't possibly be racist because they're (roughly) the same colour as you.


Apologies, but that doesn't make any sense, whatsoever. I didn't mention any sort of a stereotype (maybe your referring to someone else.)


I mentioned that white British can't really be racist against other white Europeans, because we are the same race. It's possible to discriminate by nation though, but this is not racist. Is it possible for a black British person to be racist against a black African? I doubt it.


I would also contest that if someone is concerned about immigration it is not racist to want to reduce the numbers coming here. Again, is it racist for a black person to want a reduction in immigration because of concerns about, say the effects on public services and housing opportunities when there's an influx from other black nations. I don't think so.


I would also object, not only on a personal level, but in more general terms to the terminology you use, ie "hate freak." This shows a lack of understanding of the complexities of the issues surrounding immigration. The term is just as offensive as racist terminology, you know doubt protest about.


You don't seem to have any considered ideas on the best way forward. I haven't seen you make any sort of intelligent contribution to the Page Hall debate. You seem to just want to name call and stir the pot like some sort of rabble rouser.


It just reduces threads to childish squabbles and doesn't really achieve anything.


Oh for a grown up debate.

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I mentioned that white British can't really be racist against other white Europeans, because we are the same race. It's possible to discriminate by nation though, but this is not racist.


You are arguing that racism is all about skin colour. If that were true Hitler's views about Jews and Slavs wouldn't be racist as they were white Europeans too.

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It absolutely is and it's the commonest form of racism I've seen.


You are arguing that racism is all about skin colour. If that were true Hitler's views about Jews and Slavs wouldn't be racist as they were white Europeans too.


I would accept both of those examples as correct, but then again, is it racist? Its more the term, than the act itself I am referring to.


How many races are there, 4? I'm not sure.


Racism is discrimination based on the racial difference?


Aren't the examples you give discrimination based on ethnicity?


Perhaps not, according to the UN.


the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.[20


Therefore, you were right, according to them, and I was wrong.


What do the UN know anyway?... :D

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I would accept both of those examples as correct, but then again, is it racist? Its more the term, than the act itself I am referring to.


How many races are there, 4? I'm not sure.


Racism is discrimination based on the racial difference?


Aren't the examples you give discrimination based on ethnicity?


Perhaps not, according to the UN.


the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.[20


Therefore, you were right, according to them, and I was wrong.


What do the UN know anyway?... :D


We all knew that.

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