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What's Happened To The BNP?

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Q: if UKIP were a populist right-wing reformist party (which it's not), how come it attracts support from people of many different previous affiliations- or of none?


Why would attracting people of many different previous affiliations necessarily mean it's not right-wing?


The support a party attracts does not define its politics. The members define its politics. UKIP's members are predominantly right-wing. You yourself are. You deny Enoch Powell was a racist and deny there's any such thing as international law. You're a narrow-minded little Englander, the kind of people the Tory Party normally soaks up in abundance.


Let us also not forget Anna-Marie Crampton, a UKIP candidate in East Sussex, who posted online 'The Second World War was engineered by the Zionist jews and financed by the bankers...', Steve Moxon, Sheffield UKIP candidate and local secretary of the Anders Breivik Mass Murder Appreciation Society and Grant French who resigned as a UKIP town councillor in Stocksbridge for his comments about Jews. A lot of your fellow UKIP members seem to have it in for you, Jeffrey.





The Telegraph is virtually the house magazine of UKIP as it tries to turn people away from the Tories. Farage has already me with Rupert Murdoch in an attempt to do an electoral pact with the Tories after the next election but with Cameron replaced as PM with a more right-wing Tory. A lot of UKIP members feature in the media as ex-Tories or for making racist comments. You don't get the same number in the Lib-Dems, Greens, Labour, etc.


I notice of 13 MEPS UKIP had elected in 2009 only 10 are still UKIP MEPs. Two defected to the Tories and 1 has just resigned from UKIP calling Farage totalitarian. I think he could have added right-wing totalitarian.




---------- Post added 13-09-2013 at 08:28 ----------


Probably thought the BNP weren't extreme enough.


You certainly do.


That link by the way is about a woman who wasn't in the BNP but some other bunch of right-wing nutters. It dates to a time when the BNP hadn't even been formed. Although the Labour Party shouldn't be attracting this kind of member I suspect your antipathy towards her is based on her abandoning your beloved race-based politics.

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That link by the way is about a woman who wasn't in the BNP but some other bunch of right-wing nutters. It dates to a time when the BNP hadn't even been formed. Although the Labour Party shouldn't be attracting this kind of member I suspect your antipathy towards her is based on her abandoning your beloved race-based politics.


Shows how desperate liebore is more like, wonder if she kept the funny walk,

and her campaign leaflets do they read,


You vill vote liebore, or your name goes on ze list.

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What right wing groups get wrong is 'Image'


All political parties have brand & marketing teams to make sure that they portray the right image.


Now, people may well agree with some or all of the views of parties like the BNP, UKIP etc


But most do not want to be associated with them. Mainly because of the brainless morons who can be seen at the marches etc


That is the problem with their image. UKIP do it better than the others. Most just look neo nazi. Normal middle englinders do not want to be associated with that.

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What right wing groups get wrong is 'Image'


All political parties have brand & marketing teams to make sure that they portray the right image.


Now, people may well agree with some or all of the views of parties like the BNP, UKIP etc


But most do not want to be associated with them. Mainly because of the brainless morons who can be seen at the marches etc


That is the problem with their image. UKIP do it better than the others. Most just look neo nazi. Normal middle englinders do not want to be associated with that.


UKIP do get called extremist, racists etc on many occasions. It happens here quite often. To oppose immigration or the EU is seen as being extreme right by most on the left.

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UKIP do get called extremist, racists etc on many occasions. It happens here quite often. To oppose immigration or the EU is seen as being extreme right by most on the left.


It's not UKIP's views on immigration and the EU that gets them labelled as extreme right. They had to disown one of their own candidates at last year's local elections in Sheffield, Steve Moxon, after he posted online his sympathy for Anders Breivik. Stocksbridge town councillor Grant French resigned after questioning the Holocaust. You can find other examples quite easily if you look.

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UKIP do get called extremist, racists etc on many occasions. It happens here quite often. To oppose immigration or the EU is seen as being extreme right by most on the left.


Yeah but UKIP do it wearing a suit.


Not an England football shirt & a spider web tattoo's on their face.


Get my point?

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UKIP do get called extremist, racists etc on many occasions. It happens here quite often. To oppose immigration or the EU is seen as being extreme right by most on the left.


I'm afraid that's not true at all, what condemns some people to being described as being extreme right wing when talking about immigration is the way they talk about it.


Just as an example I'm concerned about immigration and certainly would never support an open door policy. However what I won't do is lump all immigrants together and associate the bad behaviour of some of them with the behaviour of all of them..that's usually the kind of language used by those on the far right who are unable to consider some of the positive advantages of immigration to this country or just dislike people with dark faces which of course they're perfectly entitled to do.


So what happens is debate becomes polarised, those who are critical of immigrants generally, on one side and those who introduce the positive experiences of immigrants on the other.

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It's not UKIP's views on immigration and the EU that gets them labelled as extreme right. They had to disown one of their own candidates at last year's local elections in Sheffield, Steve Moxon, after he posted online his sympathy for Anders Breivik. Stocksbridge town councillor Grant French resigned after questioning the Holocaust. You can find other examples quite easily if you look.


Yes that is true. But is it fair to condemn a whole party because of a few individuals in that party? Cyril Smith was a well respected Liberal for many years. More recently UAF who are vociferous in their condemnation of UKIP had a paedophile unmasked and Dennis Neilson was a member of the anti fascist league. Then there was Labour Party paedophile Ian Rankin being caught with a hoard of child rape movies.


I think we should concentrate on the policies of the party and not the odd rogue member.


Yeah but UKIP do it wearing a suit.


Not an England football shirt & a spider web tattoo's on their face.


Get my point?


No there's no point to it. Can you highlight the policy issues of UKIP you feel makes them fascist?


I'm afraid that's not true at all, what condemns some people to being described as being extreme right wing when talking about immigration is the way they talk about it.


Just as an example I'm concerned about immigration and certainly would never support an open door policy. However what I won't do is lump all immigrants together and associate the bad behaviour of some of them with the behaviour of all of them..that's usually the kind of language used by those on the far right who are unable to consider some of the positive advantages of immigration to this country or just dislike people with dark faces which of course they're perfectly entitled to do.


So what happens is debate becomes polarised, those who are critical of immigrants generally, on one side and those who introduce the positive experiences of immigrants on the other.


Can you highlight the policy on immigration that you feel represents your point?

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What right wing groups get wrong is 'Image' <...>
Spot on.


Were the BNP to look at the Front National in France, see how they've done it, then take a leaf or ten out of Marine LePen's book...


...and transition, as the FN did, from the (so stereotypical it was comico-tragic) shaved heads, doc martens and bomber jackets thug types to suited and booted bespectacled manager types (yet still fairly to the right of Attila the Hun all the same) and sucking vote intentions from all other parties and sundry like a Dyson on steroids, in 2 years flat...


Then we'd be in real bother :(

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Spot on.


Were the BNP to look at the Front National in France, see how they've done it, then take a leaf or ten out of Marine LePen's book...


...and transition, as the FN did, from the (so stereotypical it was comico-tragic) shaved heads, doc martens and bomber jackets thug types to suited and booted bespectacled manager types (yet still fairly to the right of Attila the Hun all the same) and sucking vote intentions from all other parties and sundry like a Dyson on steroids, in 2 years flat...


Then we'd be in real bother :(


Europe's transition to the right is a slow ongoing affair. There will be right wing governments in most European counties within 20 years. I don't mean traditional Conservatives. To the right of them.


There is a gradual erosion of the left. The Labour Party, in this country, is more central, if not slightly right wing, compared to days of old.


I feel the left has had its days, its chances at government, and blown it. New Labour killed Socialism in this country. The Unions have committed suicide, with Thatcherite ideologies acting as Dignitas, They now have little power and dwindling numbers of members.


It will all end in tears.

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