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What's Happened To The BNP?

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I've forgot... sorry... Think it was in relation to UKIP being extremist, think I was talking about their policy on immigration, what's extremist about it..


Or perhaps not, sorry if not :)


I didn't say anything about it, I was really referring to why some people are labelled as being right wing when they discuss immigration.

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Yes that is true. But is it fair to condemn a whole party because of a few individuals in that party? Cyril Smith was a well respected Liberal for many years. More recently UAF who are vociferous in their condemnation of UKIP had a paedophile unmasked and Dennis Neilson was a member of the anti fascist league. Then there was Labour Party paedophile Ian Rankin being caught with a hoard of child rape movies.


The percentage of unreliable types - he said euphemistically - in UKIP is far higher than in other parties. UKIP has lost going on 10% of its councillors elected in May after just 4 months. It has lost a quarter of its MEPs elected in 2009. It lost other ones in the past. If you applied that rate of attrition to other parties you'd be talking about thousands of people.


UKIP is a loose organisation of golf club conservatives united only in their hatred of the EU. Their internal organisation is weak and Farage has centralised power around himself. He has turned it into the Nigel Farage Fan Club at the expense of a democratic structure that is capable of formulating policy on other issues other than what the Tory Party stood for in 1955.


Farage knows it can't replace the main parties. That's why he recruited Murdoch to try to work UKIP into a position of being able to prop the Tories up after the next election with a different, more right-wing PM. The irony of someone advocating UK independence through a means of calling in an American may be lost on him.

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The percentage of unreliable types - he said euphemistically - in UKIP is far higher than in other parties. UKIP has lost going on 10% of its councillors elected in May after just 4 months. It has lost a quarter of its MEPs elected in 2009. It lost other ones in the past. If you applied that rate of attrition to other parties you'd be talking about thousands of people.


UKIP is a loose organisation of golf club conservatives united only in their hatred of the EU. Their internal organisation is weak and Farage has centralised power around himself. He has turned it into the Nigel Farage Fan Club at the expense of a democratic structure that is capable of formulating policy on other issues other than what the Tory Party stood for in 1955.


Farage knows it can't replace the main parties. That's why he recruited Murdoch to try to work UKIP into a position of being able to prop the Tories up after the next election with a different, more right-wing PM. The irony of someone advocating UK independence through a means of calling in an American may be lost on him.


Do you have any evidence that there are more dodgy people in UKIP than any other party. Do you have a ratio at all. I think its fairly easy to search out the unsavory ones to match ones own voting preferences. Which party do you support?


I feel you are wrong about Farage, he's easily the best leader of a party. When you say Murdoch, do you mean Rupert? I thought he was Australian.

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Do you have any evidence that there are more dodgy people in UKIP than any other party. Do you have a ratio at all. I think its fairly easy to search out the unsavory ones to match ones own voting preferences. Which party do you support?


I feel you are wrong about Farage, he's easily the best leader of a party. When you say Murdoch, do you mean Rupert? I thought he was Australian.


He's a clown.

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