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11 September 2001 ['9/11']

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I was too busy being distracted by my grandmother's thoughtlessness :roll: at being in the Hallamshire Hospital, dying, to take a massive amount of notice, on the day itself.


I remember thinking, at first, when the plane hit the first tower, pretty much what the news reports were saying, that it must be some sort of air-accident, and "Oh bloody hell, that's dreadful!"


I remember the ex coming out of the house as we were going to the car to go to visit my Gran, and him saying to me, "Oh, God! The other tower has gone down too!".

I remember being shocked and dismayed, and thinking "Something smells very odd about this! you don't get TWO planes doing this within minutes of each other!" but my gran took precedence at that time, and the immediacy of the worry over her, being very ill.


---------- Post added 11-09-2013 at 17:24 ----------


I think it was a monumental turning point in recent history.


I find the beating, of our friends across the pond, distasteful, at the least and full of spite at its worst. To use 9/11 as a means to gloat because of a political dislike of the USA is discusting.


The USA is a special friend to the UK. We have a great history of fighting the unjust together and long may it continue.


Respect to all all suffered at the hands of the murderers and long may the USA and UK special relationship continue.


I have felt for a long time that the special relationship was more like the USA wading in at the last possible minute (remember, for the US, WW II didn't start until December 1941, when Europe had been at war for over two years, and the UK now having to dance at the end of the US's lead, being made to back them up in the recent unjust wars.



---------- Post added 11-09-2013 at 16:21 ----------



I appreciate what you say in relation to marking the event. But it was seen as an act of war. So retaliation was inevitable.


We celebrate VE day when many innocents also died. We bombed entire cities to the ground.


Perhaps we shouldn't celebrate any result of conflict.


As a matter of interest would you celebrate a Palestine victory over Israel?


I don't think ANY mass loss of life is something to celebrate, per se.

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I think it was a monumental turning point in recent history.


I find the beating, of our friends across the pond, distasteful, at the least and full of spite at its worst. To use 9/11 as a means to gloat because of a political dislike of the USA is discusting.


The USA is a special friend to the UK. We have a great history of fighting the unjust together and long may it continue.


Respect to all all suffered at the hands of the murderers and long may the USA and UK special relationship continue.


---------- Post added 11-09-2013 at 16:21 ----------



I appreciate what you say in relation to marking the event. But it was seen as an act of war. So retaliation was inevitable.


We celebrate VE day when many innocents also died. We bombed entire cities to the ground.


Perhaps we shouldn't celebrate any result of conflict.


As a matter of interest would you celebrate a Palestine victory over Israel?


It was an act of war commited by Saudies yet we attack Afghanistan and Iraq?

9/11 and VE day are 2 different kettles of fish so please dont class them as the same thing and do some more research about the faked evidence war in Iraq= http://www.globalresearch.ca/twenty-lies-about-the-iraq-war/5327386

I would be happy if Israel and Palestine reached some peace deal and lived harmoniously together.

Israel would launch its nuclear weapons tripwire style if it thought it was heading for defeat so no I wouldn't celebrate as we would most likely be dead from the nuclear fallout that followed.

The illegal war that followed 9/11 was wrong and in my opinion it was based on getting revenge.


---------- Post added 11-09-2013 at 18:10 ----------


More British people were killed in 9/11 than the London bombings in 2007.


So if 7/7 was a British tragedy then 9/11 certainly is.


9/11 was an attack on America according to the people who committed it, the 7/7 attack was on Britain so i would say 9/11 is not a British tragedy.

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There weren't any London bombings in 2007. 7/7 was in 2005.


9/11 was an attack on the Western world in general as was 7/7.


7/7 is in reference to the 7th of July attacks, 9/11 was an act against America and not the whole world unless you think America represents the whole world.

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If you don't want to commemorate it then you don't have to, if you don't think it was a tragic day for Britain when 67 British people died in the terror attacks that day then fine.


It was an attack on American soil but it was the biggest British loss of life in a terrorist attack since...Lockerbie?


So British people are entirely valid to mourn it however they like.

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And add that if the USA (and other western powers, including the UK) kept their greedy, oil/profit hungry noses out of other countries business, maybe such atrocities wouldn't befall them.

The Galloway Argument. Another year, another walk for this nonsense.


Al-Qaida didn't attack America out of retaliation. They did so out of basic ideology. You apologise for them if you wish, but you shame us all if you expect us to follow.

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It was an act of war commited by Saudies yet we attack Afghanistan and Iraq?

9/11 and VE day are 2 different kettles of fish so please dont class them as the same thing and do some more research about the faked evidence war in Iraq= http://www.globalresearch.ca/twenty-lies-about-the-iraq-war/5327386

I would be happy if Israel and Palestine reached some peace deal and lived harmoniously together.

Israel would launch its nuclear weapons tripwire style if it thought it was heading for defeat so no I wouldn't celebrate as we would most likely be dead from the nuclear fallout that followed.

The illegal war that followed 9/11 was wrong and in my opinion it was based on getting revenge.


---------- Post added 11-09-2013 at 18:10 ----------



9/11 was an attack on America according to the people who committed it, the 7/7 attack was on Britain so i would say 9/11 is not a British tragedy.[/QUOTE]


9/11 was an act of war killing several thousand people of many nationalities.


It was tragedy for every family in every part of the world who lost friends and relatives.


To say it was an attack purely on America is dodging the issue

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I for one think we make far too big of a deal about 9/11, and we have lost too much freedom as a result of it.


Almost 3000 people died, over 10 years ago.


Since then our governments have killed 100s of thousands of civilians and displaced literally millions.


We've been terrified and now our governments are monitoring everything, detaining people without trial, and we have to submit to invasive searches at airports.




"In 2010 (the latest report), 15 Americans were killed in terrorist attacks; nine died in 2009; 33 in 2008; 17 in 2007; 28 in 2006; and 56 in 2005. The vast majority of private U.S. citizens killed in terrorist attacks died in the war zone countries of Iraq and Afghanistan. So the sad tally of Americans killed by terrorists around the world since 2005 comes to a total of 158, yielding an annual rate 16 Americans killed by terrorists outside of the borders of the United States.


Taking these figures into account, a rough calculation suggests that in the last five years, your chances of being killed by a terrorist are about one in 20 million. This compares annual risk of dying in a car accident of 1 in 19,000; drowning in a bathtub at 1 in 800,000; dying in a building fire at 1 in 99,000; or being struck by lightning at 1 in 5,500,000. In other words, in the last five years you were four times more likely to be struck by lightning than killed by a terrorist."


Yeah that's right. You are more likely to be struck by lightning than killed by a terrorist.


Now what if I told you that I could help stop these devastating lightning strikes by monitoring all your emails, looking at your genitalia and killing a few people in the middle east?


You'd tell me to **** right off wouldn't you? Why aren't you doing the same to your governments?

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