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More bad news for Balls and Miliband as unemployment continues to fall


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A small country? Less than 5% of the UK is built on and that includes brownfield sites that could be turned into housing. The UK population hasn't yet doubled in the last 100 years. A lot of population growth is down to people living longer thanks to better health care and living conditions.


If you feel so strongly about lowering the population why not kill yourself as a first step. Or is it just other people who should leave?




What percentage do you think we could build over before its would be classed as over populated.

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Wage appreciation doesn't affect them [ND: the poor]
That was not my point, and you know it. The point was, and remains, that by and large there hasn't been any wage appreciation of any substance, relative to the sustained inflation which is being run on the quiet (consistently under-reported) to erode national debt. But there have been tax breaks/reliefs at the low earning end of the scale.

Food banks, CT charges and the bedroom tax hit the unemployed hardest.
For the last 4 years or so, company closures and job losses, inflation outpacing inexistent wage appreciation, ever-more precarious employment structures and contracts, ever-more fragmented job markets all hit the employed (-tax paying, whether assisted or not, my very point) hardest.

Their poverty has not been caused by people on over £50,000 losing some child benefit or by increased full rates of CT,<...>
That's well understood, and was never a point of issue.

I am not trying to rewrite Wealth Of Nations. I am trying to rewrite Das Kapital.
Neither need rewriting IMHO.

I beg your pardon

I didn't realise Marie-Antoinette was still alive.
So far I've discussed this issue dispassionately, without anti-rich/anti-poor or political bias, but since neither of you deem worthwhile to reciprocate, consider me out.
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I'm British. Why should I leave? My family have been in this country for over a millennium.


How much of a country do you think should be built on before you will concede we are overcrowded? We are already far exceeding the number of people that can be fed from food grown on these shores. If there is ever another world war or global disaster that prevents imports, people will be starving to death.


The population of Britain should be no more than 3 million. That is what we need to aim for.


It sounds like you've been scared by too many sensationalist Daily Mail headlines. Even when we were living under the shadow of the bomb in the Cold War era Britain encouraged immigration.

More to the point, if a disaster like a world war was ever to occur a sizable chunk of the population would be wiped out anyway.

The last time Britain had a population of about 3 million was when we had the black death and we were largely a nation of peasants scratting off the land.

We've moved on from those days, (at least some of us have) :hihi:

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I'm British. Why should I leave? My family have been in this country for over a millennium.


This must be the joke of the month, this joker recons he was here before King Harold lost the country at Hastings to William, the French Norseman. How come your family survived the Black Death? What was your secret? So you can trace your family tree over 50 generations can you?


I assume you are still scratching a living in the same thatched, smoke filled roundhouse, sharing the residence with various pigs and other quadrupeds, supping home made mead.


You deserve the full Bulls**t of the year award, and can anything you say ever be taken seriously from now on?

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I'm British. Why should I leave? My family have been in this country for over a millennium.


This must be the joke of the month, this joker recons he was here before King Harold lost the country at Hastings to William, the French Norseman. How come your family survived the Black Death? What was your secret? So you can trace your family tree over 50 generations can you?


I assume you are still scratching a living in the same thatched, smoke filled roundhouse, sharing the residence with various pigs and other quadrupeds, supping home made mead.


You deserve the full Bulls**t of the year award, and can anything you say ever be taken seriously from now on?


Judging by his posts I don't think HH has reached that stage of sophistication yet.


Why are you being deliberately obtuse?


He isn't, he's just confused! Bless him :hihi:

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This must be the joke of the month, this joker recons he was here before King Harold lost the country at Hastings to William, the French Norseman. How come your family survived the Black Death? What was your secret? So you can trace your family tree over 50 generations can you?


I assume you are still scratching a living in the same thatched, smoke filled roundhouse, sharing the residence with various pigs and other quadrupeds, supping home made mead.


You deserve the full Bulls**t of the year award, and can anything you say ever be taken seriously from now on?



It sounds like a pretty realistic claim for anyone who can trace their family tree back through 5 or 6 generations of folk born in the UK. After the Battle of Hastings the population remained pretty much the same although blostered by a few hundred Normans who interbred with the folk who were already here. Similarly with the Black Death. It killed a part of the population who afterwards did not pass on their genes. Until 200 years ago a well traveled man had been to the next village.


I can trace my family tree back to the early 17th century, so its a pretty safe bet that the majority of my ancestors 1000 years ago were born in the UK.

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I'm British. Why should I leave? My family have been in this country for over a millennium.


The population of Britain should be no more than 3 million. That is what we need to aim for.


If we lowered the population of this country to 3 million then a lot of people whose descendants have been in this country for over a millennium would have to leave.


You last sentence is disgraceful and you should remove it and apologise. You lower the whole discussion in tone. What a vile thing to say.


.... in war all is fair.....


Someone who says that all is fair in war has no right to lecture others on lowering the tone. The Holocaust took place during wartime. I suppose you think it was fair.




Less than 3% of the UK is built on.




Back to the OP. The Telegraph, which gives more support to UKIP than any other paper, now realises UKIP is going to put Miliband in Downing Street.



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