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More bad news for Balls and Miliband as unemployment continues to fall


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Well, when you look at keeping kids at school until they pass their exams and consider all the other see-through cockamamie schemes governments have come up with over the years just to mask unemployment figures, why should they be given any credit?


If the figures had gone up by 24k would you have believed them? You'd have been happy that's for sure.


I believe them to honest. We've been proper busy in the last three months. Are we out of the woods yet? Only an idiot would say yes but the order books look pretty good up til Christmas. After that? Who knows, no politician does that's for sure.

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Next year will be decisive. The eurozone badly needs to get its act together and become more competitive but there is little sign the EU elite get the scale of the problem. They could certainly bring us down with them if they don't sort their mess. The euro crisis hasn't gone away.


Still, even in a scenario where western economies are growing, bond yields will increase and our debt is still huge. It's a rocky road ahead from all angles and I wouldn't expect unemployment to fall as fast as these figures suggest.


I only hope we can keep Vince Cable in the treasury what ever the result in 2015, the country badly needs his insight.

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The eurozone badly needs to get its act together and become more competitive but there is little sign the EU elite get the scale of the problem. They could certainly bring us down with them if they don't sort their mess. The euro crisis hasn't gone away.


I think the Germans are well aware of what they've been doing to bail out Greece and others and are prepared to carry on doing it. As yet no country has left the euro. Germany and the EU have done what needed to be done and will carry on doing it. Merkel admitted recently that Greece should never have been allowed to join as a swipe at the SPD. She looks odds on to be re-elected.


---------- Post added 11-09-2013 at 23:02 ----------


.....are sick in the head.


And that's coming from the resident voice of reason.

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Unemployment has fallen from 7.8% to 7.7% over the last 3 months. It fell in the previous 3 months too.


Just to get things straight a fall from 7.8 to 7.7 represents a fall of 1.3%. That is over 3 months. So the number of people unemployed rate is currently falling at 5.2% per year. I'll settle for that. That is only a part of the story, because the rate of increase in private sector jobs is far higher as the public sector shrinks and folk arrive from overseas and take up employment here.


I know you don't like it but the recovery is well and truly on.


I pretty sure it didn't fall for the previous 3 months because I seem remember it increasing. Sorry it was May http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/jobs/10058222/UK-unemployment-rises-as-wages-growth-slows.html. I think I was thinking about youth unemployment. Still, 24,000, maybe it'll go someway to recover the 70,000 rise in about February. Perhaps that's why they went to percentages this time, because it doesn't sound so bad.

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