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More bad news for Balls and Miliband as unemployment continues to fall


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Balls was on TV yesterday complaining that unemployment was rising in some areas, I was surprised he brought it up when you consider it was Labour run areas that had rising unemployment.


This is the bad news.


Estate agent hiring boom helps drive jobs growth

A hiring boom among estate agents on the back of rising house prices helped drive a resurgent jobs market in the three months to July, according to official figures.

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Well, when you look at keeping kids at school until they pass their exams and consider all the other see-through cockamamie schemes governments have come up with over the years just to mask unemployment figures, why should they be given any credit?


What age would you like to see them leave school? Maybe 10, then we could get our chimneys swept properly.


You seem to want to go back to a time when youngsters went down the mine, worked at the loom or in the blacksmiths shop.


Personally if I had kids I would mush prefer them to get as much education as they could and if this only led to slinging Big Macs or call centre work so be it, its preferable to coughing your lungs up and dying in your fifties, you know, your golden age.


---------- Post added 12-09-2013 at 08:44 ----------


People who want the economy to fail just so Labour can get back in and hand out freebies again, are sick in the head.


You are right, I detest the Labour party and all it stands for, however, it did two good things whilst in power, it introduced the Minimum Wage and the Working Time Directive.


If I can concede that despite the fact that it led us into two disastrous wars, ruined the economy and is led by vindictive, second class, hypocritical self seeking, corrupt, venal, back stabbing, Bolshevik gangsters, it got a couple of things right, why cant the lefties concede that the recovery is started and the future is blue.


Or do I over state my case?

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What age would you like to see them leave school? Maybe 10, then we could get our chimneys swept properly.


You seem to want to go back to a time when youngsters went down the mine, worked at the loom or in the blacksmiths shop.



The Labour movement and unions were created in direct response to your above argument, to remove the injustices of the barons. Your apathetic "Big Mac" children would still be down the mines or breathing in cotton dust otherwise. Tories had nothing to do with the well being and enhancement of the worker historically. There were a few socialist barons who did create a reasonably good work environment for its workforce, inc housing, medical and education. That certainly wasn't the norm though.

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This Goverment are Gloating at the moment but don't forget the poor and disabled people of the country have suffered for any recovery results not the filthy rich who caused all this and who now will reap the rewards more than ever, this lot will never get back in again, not until there are new generations that haven't suffered their wrath, just like the idiots of today who voted this lot in, which the majority never suffered the slave years of Thatcherism because if they had, this shower wouldn't have definitely not got back in. :rant:

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You are right, I detest the Labour party and all it stands for, however, it did two good things whilst in power, it introduced the Minimum Wage and the Working Time Directive.


If I can concede that despite the fact that it led us into two disastrous wars, ruined the economy and is led by vindictive, second class, hypocritical self seeking, corrupt, venal, back stabbing, Bolshevik gangsters, it got a couple of things right, why cant the lefties concede that the recovery is started and the future is blue.


Or do I over state my case?


The minimum wage may well have its positive aspects but there is no doubt that it also priced a lot of jobs out of Britain and led to work being moved to Eastern Europe.

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People on ESA aren't counted towards 'official' figures as they only look at the number of JSA claims (less those that are on work-programmes like A4E)


The whole not counting those on ESA and work programmes is just goal-post moving, altering the parameters of the data in order to make them look better.




Mark Carney (Governor of B of E) is basically aping what America is doing - saying interest rates will remain pitifully low until unemployment reaches X%.


In America, the number of unemployed is falling as hundreds of thousands are giving up hope of ever finding a job, are signing off and therefore create the illusion of 'unemployment falling'.

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