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It wasn't really an intruder.


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The combination of a gun and a surprise gone wrong left a beloved 18-year-old track star dead, authorities in Longmont, Colorado, say.




I have to agree with the comment left on the CNN news report, " Very sad incident. In any case, they should have just left the house and called the cops. Maybe they watched too many Hollywood movies? "

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Overly slack gun laws, little to no training, lack of common sense.


People in America are odd, they buy guns and ammo like the end of the world is near and sit in their homes jumping at the slightest sound.

but they don't seem to bother with the simplest of security measures.

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When it comes to gun control the pro-gun nutjobs start screaming about the 2nd amendment and the right to bear arms.


All the government has to do is bring in a law banning the sale of all weapons, allowing only for low calibre, limited round handguns.


It doesn't interfere with the 2nd amendment then as they only saying you've a limited choice but you can still have your gun. (law enforcement would be exempt of course)

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All the government has to do is bring in a law banning the sale of all weapons, allowing only for low calibre, limited round handguns.



Whenever they try it, the NRA and loonies like Charlton Heston go berserk. They have a lot of support in Congress. How many deaths have there been in schools, caused by hormonally imbalanced, gun toting teenagers? They don't care; the personal right to bear arms is paramount.

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Are the government going to stop criminals having high calibre automatic weapons? No? So why should law-abiding people be stuck with pea shooters against Uzis?


I'm going to stick my neck out and say that they try each and every day but the police's resources are stretched because they have to divert them to investigating the type of incident linked in the OP.

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