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'Spiritualist?' Help need for Friend, they 'keep seeing ghosts'

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Have you seen any hauntings ET?


If so, how did you recognise them as hauntings? Do you have any independent verification? Proof, some would say...

No, I have posted several times to say I haven't ''seen'' any hauntings (possibly experienced two?), but also stated that I keep an open mind to such topics as I wouldn't have any definite ''proof'' or be able to be definitely state they didn't occur, unlike some posters in this thread, eager to deny anything, but looking arrogant and blinkered in the meantime for being so certain and showing off on someone else's thread.


Some Paranormal investigators might have what could be seen as getting near to scientific, or technological, various types of equipment for testing the presence of phenomena?

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No, I have posted several times to say I haven't ''seen'' any hauntings (possibly experienced two?), but also stated that I keep an open mind to such topics as I wouldn't have any definite ''proof'' or be able to be definitely state they didn't occur, unlike some posters in this thread, eager to deny anything, but looking arrogant and blinkered in the meantime for being so certain and showing off on someone else's thread.


Some Paranormal investigators might have what could be seen as getting near to scientific, or technological, various types of equipment for testing the presence of phenomena?


I'm sure they think they have. The problem is it doesn't measure anything remotely useful, when it does actually measure something. I'm reminded of someone who found a "strong oscillating field" at a site under investigation that was strong at 200kHz. When we pointed out he was less than 15 miles from the main Radio 4 transmitter he was adamant that was nothing to do with it... :roll:

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Some Paranormal investigators might have what could be seen as getting near to scientific, or technological, various types of equipment for testing the presence of phenomena?


Waving around a few EM meters does not make something scientific.


Maybe it 'could be seen as getting near' to being scientific, but only by idiots.

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Just a slightly unusual request; I have a friend (Not living in Sheffield, so I decided to put this under 'general discussions') and they have been on to me a couple of times over the past month saying that they have been seeing ghosts, or to be more accurate, 'a woman' who shouldnt be there in their flat.

This friend lives in a small modern flat with just one other person, so it is not as if other friends and strangers come and go a lot in the flat.

I should also mention that this friend (who is in their 20's BTW) has been receiving help recently due to a nervous breakdown as a result of financial and health worries, and they were looking at getting further mental health advice/ support over this issue.


The main question is, therefore, is it common for fairly young people in their 20's to suffer hallucinations or seeing 'ghosts' like this friend of mine? I should make it CATEGORICALLY CLEAR HERE AND NOW that this friend of mine does NOT take Cannabis or ANY other drugs; they do smoke and drink, and the 'ghost' episodes have only been happening in the last month or so.

I already suggested to them about contacting the local Spiritualist Church, which is about a mile away from where they live, but they didnt think that would help.

Does anyone know if the Spiritualists are helpful in at least finding out if this is a genuine haunting and/or any advice on how to deal with it? I can contact a number of other spiritually minded friends and have some ideas of my own, but any people who know of similar experiences and who have tried, or in particular succeeded, in tackling it would be most welcome to post constructive advice here.:help:


I think your approach to your friend's distress is unhelpful and possibly harmful. You should encourage them to seek psychiatric help and not feed them with nonsense.

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It's possible her flat could be haunted...


It is categorically not possible her flat could be haunted. I'm with halibut here. SHe should be seeking psychiatric help - you've stated that she has suffered a nervous breakdown and therefore needs professional medical help.

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In answer to your question 'is it common for young people to have this kind of hallucination'. The answer would be yes, kind of. It's relatively common for people to have fleeting hallucinations or more truly 'illusions' (hallucinations have no real world stimulus whereas an illusion is a misperception of a real world stimulus the common example being a dressing gown hung on a door which you percieve as an intruder in the bedroom). These are particulalrly common on waking or falling to sleep, if people have used drugs or alcohol (I realise you state your friend hasn't but just for completeness sake I'll include it) and also during periods of stress and ill health.


Certain physical health conditions can also cause this phenomena and you did mention your friend has some health problems.


It is relatively uncommon for psychiatric disorders to present with visual hallucinations although obviously not unheard of. Also (again for the sake of completness and please do not view this as an acusation) when people misrepresent psychiatric symptoms for whatever reason it is more common for them to state they are experiencing visual hallucinations as people sometimes think this is a common phenomena. This coupled with the lack of distress which you would expect to accompany a genuine belief you have seen something materialise out of thin air is often the reason medical professionals suspect fakery.


Given that your friend is already recieving mental health support it would seem sensible for them to mention this to the person supporting them. If only for peace of mind.


It's also worth pointing out that if your friend has a longstanding belief in paranormal phenomena the belief in seeing a ghost could be seen as 'culturally sanctioned'. i.e. you can't say people are mentally ill for having a belief you don't share, however wacky, if this is longstanding and not accompanied by other signs of psychotic illness.


Personally, I don't believe in ghosts and therefore do not believe your friends house could be haunted. I'm more than happy to revise this opinion given some compelling evidence but am afraid the burden of proof does lie with the believers here. However, I think it's completely fine to believe what you want (if it causes no harm) and think that the many other reasons your friend may believe they have seen a ghost (a misperception etc) should also be taken into account. I don't believe it is as straightforward as to be a black and white: either haunting or serious mental illness situation.

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can i throw a spanner in works here,sometimes people at an low ebb may be susceptible to seeing ghosts has anyone thought of that..may well be mental health issues..but i wouldnt rule the fact shes seeing ghosts,ppl need to keep a open mind as there are many things in this world that cannot be explained.

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can i throw a spanner in works here,sometimes people at an low ebb may be susceptible to seeing ghosts has anyone thought of that..may well be mental health issues..but i wouldnt rule the fact shes seeing ghosts,ppl need to keep a open mind as there are many things in this world that cannot be explained.


Would you rule out that she's seeing an incarnation of Phalangarix, the giant pink demon-god who usually takes the form of a rabbit but sometimes likes to take on forms like the one described in the OP just to scare people?


Because there's just as much reason to believe that as there is to believe its a ghost.

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schizophrenia has 3 basic components -

1 paranoia - a feeling that something's wrong, trouble is coming, no one is trustworthy

2 hallucinations - the senses trigger without external input - so seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling and smelling non existent things.

3 delusions - irrational beliefs that form to explain the paranoid feelings and hallucinations - ie : being the subject of a conspiracy, having special powers etc etc.


every case is different, but if a person is seeing ghosts they need to be assessed (unless you believe that shadows of dead people persist - they don't) if your friend is developing serious mental illness, they need intervention quickly - like cancer, it's a case of the quicker the call, the better the outcome.


ring 2718654 - ask for duty - discuss


good luck to you & your friend

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