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'Spiritualist?' Help need for Friend, they 'keep seeing ghosts'

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can i throw a spanner in works here,sometimes people at an low ebb may be susceptible to seeing ghosts has anyone thought of that..may well be mental health issues..but i wouldnt rule the fact shes seeing ghosts,ppl need to keep a open mind as there are many things in this world that cannot be explained.


Can I ask where you got that information from?

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schizophrenia has 3 basic components -

1 paranoia - a feeling that something's wrong, trouble is coming, no one is trustworthy

2 hallucinations - the senses trigger without external input - so seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling and smelling non existent things.

3 delusions - irrational beliefs that form to explain the paranoid feelings and hallucinations - ie : being the subject of a conspiracy, having special powers etc etc.


every case is different, but if a person is seeing ghosts they need to be assessed (unless you believe that shadows of dead people persist - they don't) if your friend is developing serious mental illness, they need intervention quickly - like cancer, it's a case of the quicker the call, the better the outcome.


ring 2718654 - ask for duty - discuss


good luck to you & your friend


Well said. :-)

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whatever the true cause of what your friend is seeing, it is obviously causing them distress and so it is worth them telling whoever is giving them support with their health and then let them take it from there.


good luck if you do try to get help on an emergency basis with mental health services - they are over-stretched big time and my experience is that for whatever reasons the help needed isn't always forthcoming.


if it would help ease your friend's mind, in addition to seeking medical help they could go to the church for help - but they need to go to the right person or could end up with more problems. it isn't common knowledge but every church of england diocese (you said your friend wasn't in sheffield) has someone who deals with this sort of thing. this obviously isn't advertised to avoid cranks. despite what people might think, these people's primary job is to provide comfort to people who are afraid of what they think are ghosts / spirits. they are very likely to suggest the person get some medical help and, if it will help the person concerned will pray a prayer of blessing over the house to put the person's mind at rest. not like on the films or anything like that. be very careful if your friend decides to approach other churches as they can start filling their mind with all sorts of stuff and i'm guessing that would be really unhelpful


when i was a teenager i "saw things" and it was terryifying. i was going to a church at the time (no longer i might add) and i asked for people to come and exorcise whatever it was i was seeing. the people there did pray - but prayed for God's help and healing and then helped me get medical help. in time things got sorted but i needed both the reassurance and the medical help.


hope i don't get shot to pieces for putting in this point of view


whatever, i hope your friend finds peace and wholeness through what sounds to be a really tough time

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,ppl need to keep a open mind as there are many things in this world that cannot be explained.


Yes but paranormal activity is never a viable explanation for anything unexplainable but it is one that people who want to believe in ghosts use to explain anything that is in anyway odd.

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