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Sheffield Half Marathon


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This is the statement up there now on the sheffieldmarathon.com site.


Sheffield Half Marathon Press Statement


6th April 2014


Sheffield Half Marathon organisers today outlined why the extremely difficult decision was taken to cancel the prestigious race event for the first time in its 33 year history.


Margaret Lilley, chairperson of the organising committee, reiterated: “It is with huge disappointment and regret that we were forced to cancel the 2014 half marathon because of a problem with the delivery of water. We apologise to all the runners, their families and friends and anyone who has supported the event.”


A full investigation is currently underway into the circumstances behind why the original water order was not delivered.


The requirements for an official race dictate that there is an appropriate amount of water available at every three mile interval.


“We delayed the start while we made every attempt to source alternative supplies, but it became clear that we were never likely to get the sufficient amount appropriate to allow the race to continue safely,” said Mrs Lilley.


“We made the difficult announcement to cancel the event, but in typical Sheffield spirit and enthusiasm a large percentage of the runners set off along the route, determined to complete the 13.1 miles after many months of hard training, and to fulfil their commitment to raise money for the ten local charities.


“We were delighted to see so many businesses and residents trying to help the situation. Literally hundreds of people were offering bottles of water and organisations such as Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s and Costa Coffee joined in.


“Once we had cancelled the race we tried to divert the runners back to the Don Valley Bowl start. It became clear that our duty of care to the runners who continued was to do everything in our power to ensure their safety. So, we kept the event infrastructure in place, did not re-open any roads and continued to follow the road reopening process as per the original plan.”


A number of the people who chose to continue to run the course did require medical attention, including the transportation of some runners to hospital, mostly as a result of lack of hydration.


Robert Kent, Managing Director of UK Event Medical Services, who were employed to provide medical support at the event, said: “People may not always appreciate the importance of hydration and water intake when running long distances. We fully support the decision to cancel the event and protect the runners’ health and welfare than let the event go ahead and potentially end up with even more people needing medical attention.”


4,100 runners completed the route and each were given a time so that those running for charities could collect their sponsorship money.


Did anyone get a time?


---------- Post added 07-04-2014 at 10:04 ----------


I'm sure I didn't hear any pinging when crossing the timing mats, either at the start of finish. I thought they were turned off?

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I was right on the line. The longer the delays between announcements were - the further the top boys were going off up the road to keep warm and loose. The start was defo pinging. The look on the pace car drivers face was a picture though as everyone streamed past him

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Were you running or spectating sharpened?


Is it possible it was pinging for the first 100 or so runners, before they turned it off? Anyone else hear it ping?


I guess it must have been in operation though, otherwise the organisers wouldn't be saying people will get their chip times.

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Were you running or spectating sharpened?


Is it possible it was pinging for the first 100 or so runners, before they turned it off? Anyone else hear it ping?


I guess it must have been in operation though, otherwise the organisers wouldn't be saying people will get their chip times.


I was spectating mate - on the grassy bank next to the start line. At that moment - I am pretty sure the chip timing wasn't top of the agenda of the organisers - so I can't imagine it would have been turned off on purpose.


And yes - no other way of getting times at the finish

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My wife ran again this year, she had no idea it had been cancelled. I rang her to find out what she was doing and I told her it was cancelled, she had past the 5 mile marker!! The PA systmes were very, very poor. The majporoty fo the runners would not have had a clue it was cancelled. I did the fun run with my two kids and stood at the back of the main runners we heard nothing. Only found out when we spoke to one of the marshalls.


Just had the star ring me about it all and apparently the organisers are not going to offer any refunds. Not sure how legal that is as it was officalli cancelled, surely a cancelled event requires money to be returned.

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