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Tougher Harsher Sentences For Animal Abuse

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Been reading the news bout the man beating his dog with a large stick..Luckily a neighbour filmed the entire incident on camera..the dogs been rehomed now,think he got a lifetime ban and 4 weeks in prison..Far too leniant should have got longer,its not acceptable and laws should be changed.:)




Correction it was 4 months he got,sorry but still not long enough.

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cruelty to animals should carry same sentence as cruelty to children animals cant report their abuse to anyone


Exactly they are a living breathing thing and in some respects are like children,we need to get tough on animal issues and should adopt same attitude as in the u s a.

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cruelty to animals should carry same sentence as cruelty to children animals cant report their abuse to anyone


Totally agree, If I saw someone abusing the above mentioned, I wouldn't phone the police, I would drag em by the hair to the Police station, no matter if the Police even charged me, and before some bright spark says what if they were bald, I would drag them there with something else.:rant:

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Totally agree, If I saw someone abusing the above mentioned, I wouldn't phone the police, I would drag em by the hair to the Police station, no matter if the Police even charged me, and before some bright spark says what if they were bald, I would drag them there with something else.:rant:


These ppl are sub human to me, they make my blood boil tbh..no doubt they need a good kicking themselves then they would know how it felt..Rant over..xx

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