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Delhi Gang Rapists sentenced to Death

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Thanks for that, thats something I didn't know, it looks like they need to make the pursuit of the death penalty much easier and cheaper.


It`s a misconception that everyone believes. Kill them and it`s cheaper. It just isn`t.


If you faced life in a hell hole prison in India or death sentence which would you choose?


Mine would be death 100 times out of 100.

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It`s a misconception that everyone believes. Kill them and it`s cheaper. It just isn`t.


If you faced life in a hell hole prison in India or death sentence which would you choose?


Mine would be death 100 times out of 100.


I'd choose death over 25 years in a UK prison.

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It seems the majority of people commenting on this post are neither female, or have ever been raped and left for dead. Perhaps they would like to come back and comment when they have.


I was the victim of an attempted date rape when I was a student in Sheffield. I was saved by my panic alarm. I was told there was no point pressing charges as it was my word against his, and that I'd be torn apart in court and my entire life put on public display. Instead I got on a plane and left the country.

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By agreeing with Harleyman's assertion that rapists should spend their punishment with their victims what you're saying is that it would be better for the rapist to be laughing and smoking in the victim's house rather than in a prison. How is that suppo sed to help the victim?


What you on about??


I was posting via my mobile.. Do you read past posts? It was amended.

I don't think any rapist should spend their punishment with victims.


This sick b*****d should have been given a punishment that hurts him every second of his natural life...

Do you think he should be allowed to "hang out" in prison with other dirty perverted rapist/murderers?

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Don`t you think it`s the easiest way out possible?


I would much prefer death to a lifetime of living in a cramped cell with utter terrible living conditions and not knowing who is after you or when for what you have done which is what they are like in India.



Death is just the easiest option in the world.


Did you know it costs more to sentence someone to death in America than lock them up for their entire lifetime?


James Holmes: Death Penalty Costs 3x More Than a Life Sentence ....




So not only do they get off easy by not suffering a lifetime of being boxed up they cost the taxpayer more money.

If what you say is true, why then does it take as long as twenty years sometimes to carry out the sentence? They could do it in three weeks like the UK used to. You'd probably double the number of innocent execution quickly.
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Thats only because of the endless appeals, find them guilty, one appeal and if still guilty, straight to the execution chamber, much cheaper than life in prison.


You're cruel. How many lawyers would have to turn in their Porsches and Mercs and wander the streets looking for work if that ever happened

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A substitute for death would be a form of servitude, that is, supporting the victim for the rest of her life. They would work 8-10 hours a day and every penny earned would be paid to her. They would receive only what's necessary to keep them healthy enough to work They would clean her house, do her laundry and any other chores necessary. They would also be castrated in case they got any ideas of doing the same to her again.

Any attempt escape would be punished by immediate execution if and when caught.


In a culture like India's where women are subservient to men this would be a very effective punishment since the rapists would suffer humiliation every day in having to submit to a womans whims and wishes


I agree!


What you on about??


I was posting via my mobile.. Do you read past posts? It was amended.

I don't think any rapist should spend their punishment with victims.


You agree that rapists should spend every day with their victims and then you don't agree that rapists should spend every day with their victims. That comment about your mobile recalls a saying about a bad workman and his tools.




Le manfish is normally more concerned with posters grammar.


There's enough in your complete absence of consistency and logic not to have to bother with grammar in your case.

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You agree that rapists should spend every day with their victims and then you don't agree that rapists should spend every day with their victims. That comment about your mobile recalls a saying about a bad workman and his tools.




There's enough in your complete absence of consistency and logic not to have to bother with grammar in your case.[/QUOTE]


Stop fantasizing Reality check ! You aint the head of the English language and history department at Baliol

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