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Delhi Gang Rapists sentenced to Death

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There have been 564 unsolved murders across the country in the past 10 years.

Police recorded 550 homicides in 2011-12.

Most murders are apparently caught and convicted.


Only 1,070 rapists are convicted every year despite up to 95,000 people – the vast majority of them women – suffering the trauma of rape.


So rapists have a good chance of not being caught and convicted.


So the chances of being convicted for rape are very low, but the chance of being convicted of murder are high, that could be because the police put more effort into finding and prosecuting murders.


So based on the probability of being caught and convicted you are better of of not killing your victim, regardless of the punishment you might receive if caught.


Can you provide some evidence of the stats you've produced?



As an addition, I don't think any evidence that the perp has an intention to kill or not makes any difference to those who advocate the DP. There are certain crimes, paedophilia and rape being two where the DP would be called for regardless. In this case the death of the girl is secondary. Rape ruffles a lot more feathers than murder.

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What I actually said is that some rapists, who are serious serial offenders - take great pains to avoid detection and to coerce their victims into silence and that this particular group of rapists might be likely to kill their victims.


...are not a homogenous group - they aren't all the same. The kind of offender I'm referring to would, I believe, be more likely to kill their victim rather than her talk and put his life in danger.


So there are rapists that plan and won't kill because they know the chance of being convicted is high, there are rapists that don't plan and don't consider the consequences of their actions so will do precisely what they do now.


So which group do you think will kill their victims, the ones that plan or the ones that don't.


---------- Post added 13-09-2013 at 19:16 ----------


Can you provide some evidence of the stats you've produced?



If you are confronted with information that you don't trust or believe, just copy and paste them into Google.

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So there are rapists that plan and won't kill because they know the chance of being convicted is high, there are rapists that don't plan and don't consider the consequences of their actions so will do precisely what they do now.


So which group do you think will kill their victims, the ones that plan or the ones that don't.


It's futile to reduce such a complicated situation to a simple dichotomy such as the one you present. My continued belief is that some rapists will be more likely to kill their victims if they believe they'd be killed themselves if caught.

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Appalling as the crime was, this doesn't sway my opinion that the death penalty is wrong.


the death penalty in 100 % proven cases beyond any doubt like this and many others are totally correct, the people that commit these crimes do not deserve to breathe this earths oxygen, child killers, rapists let them all swing:rant:

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This crime was far worse than just a "simple" rape. (Apologies for the crass wording.) The poor girl was raped to death with an iron bar. They deserve to hang, if for no other reason than to demonstrate to others in India, where sexual violence towards women is commonplace, that these things will no longer be tolerated.

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Regarding the anonymity issue - given that the number of claims of rape found to be false* is extremely small and that changing the law to allow anonymity until conviction could result in large numbers of women being denied a chance of justice, I think it better that the law remains as it is.

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It's futile to reduce such a complicated situation to a simple dichotomy such as the one you present. My continued belief is that some rapists will be more likely to kill their victims if they believe they'd be killed themselves if caught.


Your beliefs are your business, but they are just your beliefs and without evidence to support them, they can simply be ignored by everyone else.


---------- Post added 13-09-2013 at 19:28 ----------


Regarding the anonymity issue - given that the number of claims of rape found to be false* is extremely small and that changing the law to allow anonymity until conviction could result in large numbers of women being denied a chance of justice, I think it better that the law remains as it is.


Thats just an unfounded assumption with zero evidence to support it.

Only a minority of people accused of rape are actually convicted, which means the majority are either false claims or there is insignificant evidence, and because there isn't a trial we can't know if the majority are false or just lack evidence.

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Thats not relevant because rapists planning to rape someone will know they are more likely to be caught and convicted if they murder their victim, so the likelihood is murders won't increase.


That's just an assumption you are making which isn't based on evidence.:roll:


---------- Post added 13-09-2013 at 19:34 ----------


Your beliefs are your business, but they are just your beliefs and without evidence to support them, they can simply be ignored by everyone else.


It's the old "fingers in the ear I'm not listening approach" isn't it..


Thats just an unfounded assumption with zero evidence to support it.


Except there is plenty of evidence - you can get it from the MoJ!

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Good news. Gang rapes have become something of a regular occurence in India. The women are already challenged enough


India has a population of over a billion people. Only a few such cases have been highlighted.


I'm opposed to the death sentence. I'd rather they stayed in prison for decades so the punishment lasted longer. Death would be an easier option for them.

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