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Delhi Gang Rapists sentenced to Death

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If you are confronted with information that you don't trust or believe, just copy and paste them into Google.


It's a veritable minefield of information. What I asked for is a link to the specific information you were quoting from. Trust or belief at this moment is irrelevant and only your assumption.


If you're going to provide stats then at least have the courtesy of providing something which those you're debating with can either agree or counter claim, otherwise your claim is as groundless. I could of course use your own words, if you're unwilling to provide said evidence that is.


Its not that important though because its just an assumption you are making which isn't based on evidence.


...taking a long time


EDIT Your evidence/link should be in your history.

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That's just an assumption you are making which isn't based on evidence.:roll:

No it isn't, its based on the fact that some plan their attacks and are likely to have access to the internet, and some don't care about the consequences of their action.



It's the old "fingers in the ear I'm not listening approach" isn't it..

Why would I listen to someones unfounded assumptions when the evidence doesn't support their stance.


Except there is plenty of evidence - you can get it from the MoJ!


There isn't any evidence to support your stance that the death penalty for violent rape with result in more murders.

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No it isn't, its based on the fact that some plan their attacks and are likely to have access to the internet, and some don't care about the consequences of their action.


There's no evidence for that




Why would I listen to someones unfounded assumptions when the evidence doesn't support their stance.


There's no evidence for that

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There's no evidence for that



So you disagree with Halibuts claim that some rapists plan their attracts, and you think the story I posted about the rapist in kuwait is false.


There's no evidence for that


There's no evidence of what?

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So you disagree with Halibuts claim that some rapists plan their attracts, and you think the story I posted about the rapist in kuwait is false.


There's no evidence for that


There's no evidence of what?


Anything that you've asserted. You don't get to whine "there's no evidence so shut up" and then get sniffy when people use that on you.

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