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Delhi Gang Rapists sentenced to Death

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It's a veritable minefield of information. What I asked for is a link to the specific information you were quoting from. Trust or belief at this moment is irrelevant and only your assumption.


If you're going to provide stats then at least have the courtesy of providing something which those you're debating with can either agree or counter claim, otherwise your claim is as groundless. I could of course use your own words, if you're unwilling to provide said evidence that is.




...taking a long time


EDIT Your evidence/link should be in your history.


I gave you that information so you can save the time and effort of asking for something that can be founds in seconds by coping and pasting into Google.


If you put " at each side of the quote it will give you every website on the internet which contains that quote.


---------- Post added 13-09-2013 at 20:18 ----------


There's no evidence for that




Anything that you've asserted. You don't get to whine "there's no evidence so shut up" and then get sniffy when people use that on you.


The difference between me and you is that I posted evidence to support my stance whilst you just posted baseless assumptions.


You can wine all you like but it won't alter the fact that there is zero evidence to support your opinion that the death penalty for rape will result in more murders.

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I gave you that information so you can save the time and effort of asking for something that can be founds in seconds by coping and pasting into Google.


If you put " at each side of the quote it will give you every website on the internet which contains that quote.


No, it doesn't work like that, websites have differing views and agendas. I requested the link you specifically used and quoted from.


It's easy, copy n paste.

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The difference between me and you is that I posted evidence to support my stance whilst you just posted baseless assumptions.


You can wine all you like but it won't alter the fact that there is zero evidence to support your opinion that the death penalty for rape will result in more murders.


Actually no, you really haven't. You may think you have but you need to go look at the reasoning I think.

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No, it doesn't work like that, websites have differing views and agendas. I requested the link you specifically used and quoted from.


It's easy, copy n paste.


Like I said, put " at either side of the quote and you will get the website I quoted from.


Lets say someone posts something that you want to verify, but just after they posted it they went off on holiday for a fortnight. Now instead of waiting a whole fortnight you can simply verify it yourself in seconds.


---------- Post added 13-09-2013 at 20:32 ----------


Actually no, you really haven't. You may think you have but you need to go look at the reasoning I think.


Yes I did, you claimed the the death penalty for rape will just cause rapists to commit murder, I told you about a country which does kill people for rape, and about someone that was killed for raping 5 children that he didn't kill.


How many rapists do you know of that have killed their victim to avoid the death penalty?

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Yes I did, you claimed the the death penalty for rape will just cause rapists to commit murder, I told you about a country which does kill people for rape, and about someone that was killed for raping 5 children that he didn't kill.


No I really didn't say that. Read what I actually said MrSmith - I even highlighted it for you.

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Like I said, put " at either side of the quote and you will get the website I quoted from.


Lets say someone posts something that you want to verify, but just after they posted it they went off on holiday for a fortnight. Now instead of waiting a whole fortnight you can simply verify it yourself in seconds.


I can't verify your specific link, only you can do that. You have the capacity but it seems you're content with looking foolish by asking me to guess which one to choose from.


It was a simple request met only with attitude. I guess it'll have to stay that way, but in my favour.

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Timothy Cole was arrested and convicted of rape in 1985 and sentenced to 25 years, dying in prison in 1999. After the statute of limitations on the crime had run out, the real rapist confessed and DNA testing proved Cole innocence. He was officially pardoned in 2009. (en.wikipedia.org)



Death is the easy way out. Let them rot in hole in prison. Only takes one to be wrong.

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I can't verify your specific link, only you can do that. You have the capacity but it seems you're content with looking foolish by asking me to guess which one to choose from.


It was a simple request met only with attitude. I guess it'll have to stay that way, but in my favour.


If you would rather argue than follow my advise then please feel free to live in ignorance. I don't care if you don't believe what I posted, the smart people will simply Google it and verify it for themselves.


---------- Post added 13-09-2013 at 20:44 ----------


Timothy Cole was arrested and convicted of rape in 1985 and sentenced to 25 years, dying in prison in 1999. After the statute of limitations on the crime had run out, the real rapist confessed and DNA testing proved Cole innocence. He was officially pardoned in 2009. (en.wikipedia.org)



Death is the easy way out. Let them rot in hole in prison. Only takes one to be wrong.


Do you think it would be more humane to lock an innocent man up until he dies or kill him quickly?

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