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Do you think men go to their GP less than women ?

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Govt stats suggest that men visit their gp less, from the age of 14 all the way into their 70s.



It is well documented that women use the lions share of health care resources. I wonder though whether gp referral rates are also higher for women. In other words the dogma about women being 'really' ill when they are sick affects the attitude of doctors towards patients and women are more likely to get the care they need. Perhaps I'm wrong.


---------- Post added 13-09-2013 at 22:25 ----------


At first glance in the litetature, a study on migraine showing referral rates are about 3x greater for women and ultimate prescription rates about 1/3 higher also. So perhaps the attitude of men towards seeking medical attention is also based on the absence of help being given when sought.

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I am guilty of this and also with the dentist too....


Up until a few months ago I hadn't been to the Doctor for over three years, and the dentist for even longer!


I simply didn't have the time (off) from work to attend.


Teeth are sorted now, but it seems my blood pressure is "a bit high".....


Do I need this hassle tho?


Afterall I feel just fine! the only reason I went to the doctor in the first place was for a boil on my bum :confused:


I agree, and am exactly the same (apart from the boil issue, slightly embarrassing and probably wish you hadnt mentioned it:hihi:) but the last time I went was about 4 maybe 5 years ago, with a real bad case of the plymouths. I got a proper dressing down off the Dr, as he claimed he had never met me since we moved to the area, but still havent been since.

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I work on a very busy male surgical ward & I have found the men are much more ill the females.


Not that many females where you work on the "male surgical ward" :hihi:


I was reading only yesturday that there are a higher percentage of females that are disabled.


"There are more disabled women than men in the UK. In 2010/11, there were 6.1 million disabled women (20%) and 5.4 million men (18%). Among disabled children, boys have a higher rate of disability than girls, and are more likely to experience coordination, learning and communication difficulties."

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I agree. I actually have two letters here on my desk inviting me to attend my GP's for a free health check as ''part of a national iniative to reduce strokes, heart attacks and diabetes in people aged over 40''.


I haven't made an appointment yet - and I'm not sure I'm going to. The honest truth is, I'm a little concerned about what they'll find out. I know there are things I probably ought to do - quit smoking, drink less, exercise more, but everything's working pretty well at the moment and I hate being told what to do when I know what I ought to do. It feels like my mum nagging me.


I went in for a routine asthma review a few weeks ago and had my blood pressure checked. Turned out to be high so I had an appointment made for a fortnight later to check it again.


Obvious what I needed to do though, as you say, drink less, exercise more, eat more sensibly.


I dropped 9 pounds in two weeks and was told my BP was back to normal.


However I'm going to keep up the changes because I do feel better, a lot livelier, a bit more trim and it can only be for my long term benefit.

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This is exactly what I mean Halibut .

It is a scary thought , I know but health is so important. I know on the female ward at my place , the ladies tend to be more routine & go home much earlier . Our men can be in hospital for months . All because they didnt act fast . Get yourself off for your check up & take the bit between the teeth . Go on you know you can



My dad always used to say his pal died of embarrassment. My dad used to tell him to get down the docs after hearing his pals constant whinging of passing blood.


We are stubborn folk! Only last week i was limping and in a lot of pain after twisting my leg. I figured it was probably my ligaments/tendons, and the swelling round my kneecap would settle down. The missus told me to get to A n E (which i ignored) However, my leg seems a lot better now. So maybe i saved the NHS a few quid..

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Most of my visits to the doctors have been because of female issues, but I don't think I am ' normal' anyway :( Apart from that I've been once this year when I had a badly swollen throat and exhaustion, turned out I had a virus.

I think a lot of men are embarrassed to go to the doctors, especially for personal issues. I'm way past being embarrassed about stuff like that.

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This is exactly what I mean Halibut .

It is a scary thought , I know but health is so important. I know on the female ward at my place , the ladies tend to be more routine & go home much earlier . Our men can be in hospital for months . All because they didnt act fast . Get yourself off for your check up & take the bit between the teeth . Go on you know you can


Or it could just be that women are more used to 'coping' and just get on with it and push themselves into getting better quicker.

Men are more used to being looked after and go into 'child mode' when they are ill so recovery time is longer.

Just a thought.


---------- Post added 14-09-2013 at 14:00 ----------


Most of my visits to the doctors have been because of female issues, but I don't think I am ' normal' anyway :( Apart from that I've been once this year when I had a badly swollen throat and exhaustion, turned out I had a virus.

I think a lot of men are embarrassed to go to the doctors, especially for personal issues. I'm way past being embarrassed about stuff like that.


You are right.

Once you've had a baby and had your legs akimbo for anyone passing to see anything they choose to - pretty much nothing will phase you !

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Personally I think women have smaller medical issues but men tend to have big medical issues.....but this is only based upon the people who I know like friends & family.

But also that women tend to have better hours to suit the doctor, like being a stay at home mum, part time hours & shift work, again based upon the people I know we tend to work between 8am to 5pm, after travelling home we have have an half hour slot for an appointment and that doesn't include that my docs are closed Thursday's except for mum & babies. We now only.have a 2 hour slot all week to get seen, doctors need.to do shifts to help men help themselves !

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