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Term time school holidays

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20 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Errr, no. Yet again you just prove you do not have kids.

School is 8.45 to 15.15, most people work 9.00 to 17.00 approx.

The "crux of the issue" is you cannot go changing people's lives around, for which they have planned how to cope, at the drop of a hat. One of the big problems with the world's over reaction to Covid is many people think anything is now acceptable and people will just have to cope, after all, they did during the pandemic so they can again.

My response to that is **** off.

What do you suggest that schools do instead to help address their problem of massively increasing utility bills?

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27 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Errr, no. Yet again you just prove you do not have kids.

School is 8.45 to 15.15, most people work 9.00 to 17.00 approx.

The "crux of the issue" is you cannot go changing people's lives around, for which they have planned how to cope, at the drop of a hat. One of the big problems with the world's over reaction to Covid is many people think anything is now acceptable and people will just have to cope, after all, they did during the pandemic so they can again.

My response to that is **** off.

Who is doing anything “at the drop of a hat “ ?

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45 minutes ago, Tyke02 said:

What do you suggest that schools do instead to help address their problem of massively increasing utility bills?

Maybe if they all swim furiously at their local baths, schools could run on wave power.


Or, hot air, if Checkers was to volunteer.

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13 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Errr, no. Yet again you just prove you do not have kids.

School is 8.45 to 15.15, most people work 9.00 to 17.00 approx.

The "crux of the issue" is you cannot go changing people's lives around, for which they have planned how to cope, at the drop of a hat. One of the big problems with the world's over reaction to Covid is many people think anything is now acceptable and people will just have to cope, after all, they did during the pandemic so they can again.

My response to that is **** off.

This has nothing to do with Covid.

Parents have always had to work around the school hours in a variety of ways whilst also earning a living

Even the 9 to 5 jobs entail travelling time of various lengths and then consider shift working,working away ,single parents etc. it becomes apparent that the crux of the issue is that every parent needs to work around the school hours,whatever they are,as best they can.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, they're shutting all the schools for (the Queens' funeral) with but a few days notice.

Kids off school (again), I thought everyday was so important, particularly after they had been off for 7 months during Covid.

Are the government going to get fined for that ?

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2 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

So, they're shutting all the schools for (the Queens' funeral) with but a few days notice.

Kids off school (again), I thought everyday was so important, particularly after they had been off for 7 months during Covid.

Are the government going to get fined for that ?

Yes. Yes they are.


The government are going to be fined fivety billion trillion euros.


Payable in florins.



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56 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

So, they're shutting all the schools for (the Queens' funeral) with but a few days notice.

Kids off school (again), I thought everyday was so important, particularly after they had been off for 7 months during Covid.

Are the government going to get fined for that ?

How thoughtless not to have been given longer notice.

We are still well behind most of Europe in the Bank Holidays so one extra day in 70 years will be appreciated by some.

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  • 8 months later...

We are going to NZ and AUS next winter. It's the obvious time to go, only an idiot would go there in their winter and our summer.

Additionally you don't go all that way for a week, so we're going for three weeks.

Our lad has a close to 100% attendance record since he started school 5 years ago.

Despite the fact we expect to be fined, so it makes no difference if we take our 10 year old out for one week or three, we have arranged to go over one of the holidays so he will only miss two weeks of school.


As I have said it makes me mad they are fining us when the kids have already missed about 8 days through teachers strikes and they didn't get fined did they ? Plus, of course, far worse, they thought it acceptable to close the schools for seven bleedin' months during Covid.

Bearing the latter in mind, the school have told us the government are "going to get more more severe with school absence after September".

I don't know how they can keep a straight face doing that, I really do not. If it's so important that a child does not even miss one weeks schooling, why did they close the schools for seven months for something none of the kids was at any risk from  (and nor the great majority of the parents or teachers at that much risk from it either) ?

Steaming hypocrites.


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