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Term time school holidays

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9 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Sorry, what work am I asking them to do ?

If they think it's too much work to give us a quick note as to what to get him to study I shan't be that bothered as I got used to having to home school him during the 7 months schools were shut, for something that was of no risk to  the kids.....But it also shows the schools up to be even more hypocritical.  They apparently think it's so vital kids miss no education (apart from, err, those seven months, and the teachers strikes...) that they want to fine parents, but they can't be arsed to spend a few minutes trying to ensure the kids miss as little as poss.

BTW, have you (or Ms Nikki) got any kids at school ? I only ask because, in my experience, parents with school age kids rarely take your (and Ms Nikki's) attitude.


Apart from the broadening of the mind and other educational positives, we have family on both NZ and AUS so when do you expect us to go to NZ and AUS ? :


1 - Go in our summer and their winter ?

2 - Only go for 2 weeks during the Xmas hols ? Have you any idea how expensive that would be, and how far it is go for a total of only two weeks ?

3 - Not go at all ?

Option 3 would be the responsible one.


Failing that, take full responsibility for the lad’s education. Download the National Curriculum, work out which bit he’s missed and sort it out yourself.


Schools have enough to do without catering for parents who can’t obey the law.

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1 minute ago, Prettytom said:

Option 3 [i.e. don't go to AUS and NZ either for the travel experience or to see your relatives]  would be the responsible one.

Failing that, take full responsibility for the lad’s education. Download the National Curriculum, work out which bit he’s missed and sort it out yourself.

Schools have enough to do without catering for parents who can’t obey the law.

You are trolling surely, whether out of devilment or jealousy because you're not going to AUS I am not sure.


>>Schools have enough to do<<


They didn't for 7 months over Covid did they ?

Despite the fact I was paying my taxes for my lad's education yet had to educate him myself, and having to pay my staff extra hours to be in whilst I was off work doing it.

I ought to ask them to take the fine out of the tax rebate I never got for that......


Have you got any kids at school BTW ?

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6 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Trolling : "to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content"

Antagonistic ?  Yes
Inflammatory ?  Yes
Irrelevant ?  Yes
Offensive ?  Mildly so
Disruptive ?  Yes


4.5 out of 5

How do you work your scores out?

You have called me and many many others,  (just abut everyone who disagrees with you) all kinds of idiots and other insults.

I said Aussies would see you as a Whingeing Pom.  You spend your whole life whingeing and over there, the British are known as Poms so,   both words, quite correct.

No more antagonistic, Inflammatory,  Offensive, or Disruptive than stuff we both post to each other, every day and Whingeing Pom,  in Australia, is quite relevant.

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1 minute ago, Chekhov said:

You are trolling surely, whether out of devilment or jealousy because you're not going to AUS I am not sure.


>>Schools have enough to do<<


They didn't for 7 months over Covid did they ?

Despite the fact I was paying my taxes for my lad's education yet had to educate him myself, and having to pay my staff extra hours to be in whilst I was off work doing it.

I ought to ask them to take the fine out of the tax rebate I never got for that......


Have you got any kids at school BTW ?

I’m not trolling at all.  If you choose to break the law, you should be prepared to face the consequences. That includes a fine and some work of your own, repairing the damage to your lad’s education.


We’ll ignore the silly stuff about schools being closed, because we all know about remote learning and about the fact that most businesses were simultaneously closed.

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5 minutes ago, Mister Gee said:

>>fools said:
In 30 years time, he'll remember the holiday, and won't remember or care about any pointless 3 week period in school.<<


We should have a thread on here called idiots corner, you’d be it’s (spx) main contributor. 

I take it you disagree with a fact ?

The only thing inaccurate about Fools comment is my lad's only actually missing 2 weeks of school, not 3.


Incidentally, has anyone else noticed the following strong correlation ?

The same ones who think parents should be fined for taking their kids out for a week or two a year (despite them being told to stay off school for seven months during the Covid madness), are the same ones who think :


1 - We should all have our lives severely curtailed "because of nett zero" (despite never having been asked at the ballot box) 

2 - I am out of order being upset at being banned from filming my lad winning his first ever fly race.

3 - Suppressing society, strong arming people into being vaccinated and forcing everyone to wear masks (for a virus 99% of people survived and had an average age of death in the early 80s) was the right thing to do.


These left wing authoritarians must be watched.

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2 hours ago, Prettytom said:

We’ll ignore the silly stuff about schools being closed [for seven months during Covid], because we all know about remote learning and about the fact that most businesses were simultaneously closed.

Why is it "silly" ? It is totally relevant.

You show me a parent who thinks remote learning was in any way an adequate substitute for their kids being at school, and I'll show you a liar.


>>most businesses were simultaneously closed.<<


Most businesses were not closed for 7 months. But even if they were, why would that make closing the schools for 7 months any more acceptable ? Particularly when, apparently, it is so serious for a child to miss one weeks schooling that their parents must be punished.

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19 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I take it you disagree with a fact ?

The only thing inaccurate about Fools comment is my lad's only actually missing 2 weeks of school, not 3.


Incidentally, has anyone else noticed the following strong correlation ?

The same ones who think parents should be fined for taking their kids out for a week or two a year (despite them being told to stay off school for seven months during the Covid madness), are the same ones who think :


1 - We should all have our lives severely curtailed "because of nett zero" (despite never having been asked at the ballot box) 

2 - I am out of order being upset at being banned from filming my lad winning his first ever fly race.

3 - Suppressing society, strong arming people into being vaccinated and forcing everyone to wear masks (for a virus 99% of people survived and had an average age of death in the early 80s) was the right thing to do.


These left wing authoritarians must be watched.

Whingeing again you see.  Never stops

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