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Term time school holidays

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35 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I take it you disagree with a fact ?

The only thing inaccurate about Fools comment is my lad's only actually missing 2 weeks of school, not 3.


Incidentally, has anyone else noticed the following strong correlation ?

The same ones who think parents should be fined for taking their kids out for a week or two a year (despite them being told to stay off school for seven months during the Covid madness), are the same ones who think :


1 - We should all have our lives severely curtailed "because of nett zero" (despite never having been asked at the ballot box) 

2 - I am out of order being upset at being banned from filming my lad winning his first ever fly race.

3 - Suppressing society, strong arming people into being vaccinated and forcing everyone to wear masks (for a virus 99% of people survived and had an average age of death in the early 80s) was the right thing to do.


These left wing authoritarians must be watched.

We’re thirteen years into the Tories being in government.

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35 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Whingeing again you see.  Never stops

Chekhov joined this forum on the 31st March 2020 and made his first post on this forum on the 23rd of November 2021. Make of that what you will but that was 541 days of inactivity during a crisis he never shuts up about.

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13 hours ago, Mister Gee said:

Chekhov joined this forum on the 31st March 2020 and made his first post on this forum on the 23rd of November 2021. Make of that what you will but that was 541 days of inactivity during a crisis he never shuts up about.

Maybe he didn't have good reception! 

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13 hours ago, Mister Gee said:

Chekhov joined this forum on the 31st March 2020 and made his first post on this forum on the 23rd of November 2021. Make of that what you will but that was 541 days of inactivity during a crisis he never shuts up about.

You want to check up on your facts before sounding off.

I actually joined SF back in 2006. I was banned from it in about Apr 2020 for repeatedly stating that kids were at no significant risk from Covid, despite the fact that was known to be true even then. That's how bad it was at SF then ,and also how mad it was during Covid.

I resolved never to go on SF ever again but joined as Chekhov (for Check up) just so I could check up on anything I wanted to, I never actually used it.

SF was then taken over by a more reasonable crowd and "an amnesty offered". I was still not keen to return but read so much absolute scaremongering misinformed crap on the Covid thread I felt I had to. I sent an E Mail to SF to reopen my account but from the E Mail associated with Chekhov. They said you r account is open we don't need to do anything. I just thought I cannot be bothered to argue the point and just kept going with it.


So MG, you're wrong again (but at least you're consistent).

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13 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

You want to check up on your facts before sounding off.

I actually joined SF back in 2006. I was banned from it in about Apr 2020 for repeatedly stating that kids were at no significant risk from Covid, despite the fact that was known to be true even then. That's how bad it was at SF then ,and also how mad it was during Covid.

I resolved never to go on SF ever again but joined as Chekhov (for Check up) just so I could check up on anything I wanted to, I never actually used it.

SF was then taken over by a more reasonable crowd and "an amnesty offered". I was still not keen to return but read so much absolute scaremongering misinformed crap on the Covid thread I felt I had to. I sent an E Mail to SF to reopen my account but from the E Mail associated with Chekhov. They said you r account is open we don't need to do anything. I just thought I cannot be bothered to argue the point and just kept going with it.


So MG, you're wrong again (but at least you're consistent).


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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

You want to check up on your facts before sounding off.

I actually joined SF back in 2006. I was banned from it in about Apr 2020 for repeatedly stating that kids were at no significant risk from Covid, despite the fact that was known to be true even then. That's how bad it was at SF then ,and also how mad it was during Covid.

I resolved never to go on SF ever again but joined as Chekhov (for Check up) just so I could check up on anything I wanted to, I never actually used it.

SF was then taken over by a more reasonable crowd and "an amnesty offered". I was still not keen to return but read so much absolute scaremongering misinformed crap on the Covid thread I felt I had to. I sent an E Mail to SF to reopen my account but from the E Mail associated with Chekhov. They said you r account is open we don't need to do anything. I just thought I cannot be bothered to argue the point and just kept going with it.


So MG, you're wrong again (but at least you're consistent).

What was your name before ?

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52 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

What was your name before ?

There have been numerous previous references before when Justin posted under his own name.

Anyway,I can perfectly understand why the authorities would try to do all possible to ensure that children attend school including the imposition of fines.

Having said that I can also see why the occasional absence from school for a week or two would not be a calamity as far as learning is concerned.

Some kids miss school through illness or for other justifiable reasons with no lasting damage provided that their usual attendance rate is good.

Many jobs dictate or have to manage coverage over the whole year so it’s not always easy to match parents holidays with the school holidays.




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19 hours ago, RJRB said:

There have been numerous previous references before when Justin posted under his own name.

Anyway,I can perfectly understand why the authorities would try to do all possible to ensure that children attend school including the imposition of fines.

Having said that I can also see why the occasional absence from school for a week or two would not be a calamity as far as learning is concerned.

Some kids miss school through illness or for other justifiable reasons with no lasting damage provided that their usual attendance rate is good.

Many jobs dictate or have to manage coverage over the whole year so it’s not always easy to match parents holidays with the school holidays.

It's about proportionality RJ, a word sadly AWOL from much of modern society.

I think parents who regularly keep their kids out of school for weeks at a time should be prosecuted. But parents of kids who have an otherwise excellent attendance record and only take them out for a week or two every other year are a completely different ball game.


Incidentally, over the weekend I have been chatting with a few people about these fines and all think the fines are out of order, esp after they shut the schools for 7 months (over Covid). In fact I cannot remember ever having spoken with a parent who agrees with fines for absences of one week for kids with a good attendance record. None.

And people on here claiming "they only say that to agree with you" are not only being patronising but they are wrong because often these people weigh in with their views before I have even stated mine.


21 hours ago, hackey lad said:

What was your name before ?

It's Justin Smith, but you didn't need to ask me, Steve69 (or whatever his name is) made it his business to find out as he was stalking me all over the internet at one time.

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if the pupils who took holidays in term time were then were required to attend school during the school holiday period (shouldering the the cost amongst all the attenders) problem sorted . Perhaps when parents see the actual cost of teaching a pupil for a week they would change their minds on taking them out of school.

The teacher is expected to attend at all times during term time ,why not pupils?

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