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'As sore as a boil'Any ideas to ease it?


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Have a bath once a month might help.


Excuse me,but I bath every day.


---------- Post added 14-09-2013 at 23:15 ----------


Vacuum drawing works well on boils.. boil a kettle well, direct the steam into a glass for a few seconds, cover glass with a piece of cardboard, and apply it over boil, sliding cardboard aside at last minute. As glass cools, steam will condense, creating vacuum and sucking boil contents out - far safer than squeezing. And steam tends to sterilise. Warning: only direct steam into glass for a second or tow to displace the air - too much and you will get scalded when applying glass to skin.


Thanks martyn. I've done this by boiling a kettle with boiled water,filling a mug, letting it stand, emptying it, drying mug ( its rather large) and thenputting it over boil until it cools. A vacuum does appear,feel it when i'm pulling it offOUCH. \but it still hasn't brought it to a head. Thanks for your suggestion though.

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This last week I've had personal experience of an old saying, 'as sore as a boil'. OMG I just didn't realize what a pain in the **** they can be. Mine has developed above my buttock. I've been put on antibiotics by the doctor,( walk in centre because as normal no appointments available at local docs! ) started them 2 days ago . Anyone had any experience of these afflictions? How long after starting antibiotics do they kick in and start to ease the pain? Which is better, to let the antibiotics do their work or go to A and E to get it lanced? Has anyone got any old remedies to cure or ease these nasty blighters? Tried a hot bottle over the boil to try and draw it - not worked. Do not fancy sticking a needle into it incase of infection. Any ideas anyone?


Apply honey to it and cover with a plaster, the honey is antibacterial and will also draw moisture out of the boil because of its osmotic affect. Change the dressing and apply new honey twice a day. Manuka honey is the best.

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This last week I've had personal experience of an old saying, 'as sore as a boil'. OMG I just didn't realize what a pain in the **** they can be. Mine has developed above my buttock. I've been put on antibiotics by the doctor,( walk in centre because as normal no appointments available at local docs! ) started them 2 days ago . Anyone had any experience of these afflictions? How long after starting antibiotics do they kick in and start to ease the pain? Which is better, to let the antibiotics do their work or go to A and E to get it lanced? Has anyone got any old remedies to cure or ease these nasty blighters? Tried a hot bottle over the boil to try and draw it - not worked. Do not fancy sticking a needle into it incase of infection. Any ideas anyone?


I was given meds for a 'boil' once.

Turned out it was pinal idle sinus.

Ive never been in so much pain in my life.

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Are you sure it is a boil and not an abscess, only saying this because I thought I had a boil which turned out to be an abscess. After 4 ops in it finally got the core out.. Hope it eases soon what ever it is..


Thanks mindboggled. They said at walk in centre that its either a boil or an abscess. Its 4 days now since it arrived and its still so painful. How can you tell the difference? Any ideas? Slept a bit better last night because I goggled the antibiotics that they've put me on and found out that they are not affected by alcohol so had a couple of lagers to take the edge off it. They worked well. Forgot about the 'bread' poultice. Give it a go later after I've cooked our Sunday dinner. Thanks once again to everyone for the ideas.


---------- Post added 15-09-2013 at 12:09 ----------


Apply honey to it and cover with a plaster, the honey is antibacterial and will also draw moisture out of the boil because of its osmotic affect. Change the dressing and apply new honey twice a day. Manuka honey is the best.


Together with the bread poultice, maybe I should stick a honey sandwich on it and be done eh? Thanks for the idea. Try that one tomorrow.

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They death cures all ills, so why not just take the anti-biotics get ****** while on the course, which of course neutralises the effect, and although the cure might be a bit agonising, it would be interesting to watch.


Sounds like your diet is crap, Ok so you eat a vegetable sometimes, but your teeth are an evolutionary product, and they have evolved to eat particular foods. Sadly cooking was not something the evolutionary process took careful note of, and as you know it breaks down food, like speeded up rotting, for your digestive tract. You are just another ape physiologically despite your possible superior attitude to other creatures, and like all apes your teeth were engineered to fruit, roots and other plant life.


So why not continue with the favorite meals, the heart attack specials, are something I would recommend. Who knows you could eventually be covered is pustules, and smell of rotting flesh too, and if you choose such a path, do not forget to put it on YOUTUBE will you?

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